Caring for a Crying Baby

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What is the best way to soothe a crying baby?

T. Berry Brazelton Pediatrician
Well there are lots of ways to soothe a crying baby, and I think you have to find the one that works for that baby. Some babies today who have to sleep on their backs because we've learned so much, are really upset by their freedom and startle a lot, and so swaddling and containing them or holding them or talking to them gently is what I would suggest for that. Kids that are easily startled by too much noise or too sudden noise, cut down on the noise, cut down on the lights in an environment. And mainly I think cuddle and hold a baby and just talk to them quietly. You know when a baby's screaming its head off what will stop them the quickest is to scream just as loud WHA and they'll stop to listen to you and then you wha...and bring them down. As soon as they calm down they'll find their thumb or they'll find a lovie and then they quite themselves. I really believe in thumbs and lovies.

How about pacifiers?

T. Berry Brazelton Pediatrician
Yeah. If some kids can't find their own thumb and then I think a pacifier helps. I like, you know, the idea of the baby doing it for himself, rather than our doing it do him. So I have a bias, which is pretty obvious. Isn't it?

The dentist might argue with you a little bit...

T. Berry Brazelton Pediatrician
Yeah they do. I happen to think psyches are more important than teeth.