Baby Stroller Features

Medically Reviewed by Traci C. Johnson, MD on December 15, 2020
1 min read

Combo strollers, travel systems, umbrella strollers, jogging strollers -- which one should you buy? Before investing hundreds of dollars on the latest souped-up stroller model, consider your baby's safety and your travel needs.

  • The stroller seat should recline all the way back for your newborn, and adjust back up to a seat as your baby grows.
  • If you're always on the go, buy a lightweight umbrella stroller. Just make sure it fully reclines.
  • Need a place to hold all your baby gear? A full-sized stroller will give you more storage room.
  • The stroller should be solid, with a wide wheel base. When you push lightly on the handles, it shouldn't tip backwards.
  • Make sure you can open the stroller easily with one hand. You don't want to wrestle with it while holding baby in your other arm.
  • Walk behind the stroller to make sure the handle is the right height and you're comfortable pushing it.
  • To keep baby secure, look for a T-shaped buckle that goes around your baby's waist and straps between the legs.
  • The stroller should have brakes on the back wheels and locking front wheels.
  • When buying a stroller for two, tandem models (where one baby sits in front of the other) are easier to maneuver than side-by-side.