Changes in Your Work Life

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Lorie Miller, BSN, RN, CMI,: So treatment will definitely affect your career. I do run into that situation where patients are afraid to talk to their boss about what's going on with them. There may be periods of time where you're feeling really good and you're able to work full-time, and there are also be periods of time when you need more help and you may need to work part-time or you may need to stop working entirely for that period of time. That's another reason why I think it is really important to have good communication with your employers, so that they know what you need and you can ask for what you need.

The financial stress of a cancer diagnosis can be enormous. And so we definitely see people who say, "I don't know what I'm going to do if I don't work." That's a scary place to be in. When you are newly diagnosed and you know that you need to speak with your employer about your new diagnosis, I do think it's very important to know what your HR policies are and to know that those policies are there to protect you, and so you're kind of equipped for that conversation.

All those things that you maybe didn't have to worry about so much before, I think you need to know those things as soon as possible so that you can plan, you can work with your family and try to figure out what the financial plan is going to be. You can be in a position of some vulnerability there, and so it's very important to reach out to your oncology office and the social workers there, because you don't want to go through that stuff on your own. It's mind-boggling.

It really is mind-boggling. The most important thing to know is that you do have rights and that there are people that are here to help you to navigate your way to assistance.