How Does My Diet Affect Diabetes?

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How does my diet affect my diabetes?

C. Ronald Kahn, M.D. President and Director, Joslin Diabetes Center
Diet is a very important thing but I think people are focused sometimes about the wrong things in diet. The emphasis isn't simply on sugar and it isn't simply on carbohydrates. For most people with type-two diabetes the big issue is weight.

C. Ronald Kahn, M.D. (cont.)
Any diet that can help you lose weight if you're over weight is a good diet. It doesn't make any difference almost whether it's a high carb diet or a low carb diet, whether you follow the cabbage soup diet or the Pritikin diet or the Atkins diet. If they make you and help you lose weight that's good if you're over weight, because weight is the biggest single risk factor.

C. Ronald Kahn, M.D. (cont.)
If you're down to normal weight, then within your diet, then changing the ratio of carbohydrates to proteins to fats may make a small difference, particularly if you eat a lot of simple sugars in your diet, things that are rapidly absorbed to go to more slowly absorbed carbohydrates. But the big issue is weight and so any diet that helps people loose weight is the diet I encourage.