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3.9 Overall Rating


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Most voted positive review

16 People found this comment helpful

I have been on Milrinone IV for almost eight years via a central line. The doctors tell me that without it I would most likely be deceased by now.The drug is infused continously 24/7. I carry a pouch that contains the pump and medication. The bag last for seventy-two hours. At first it took some getting used to carrying around the bag all the time, but now it is second nature to me.

Most voted negative review

1 People found this comment helpful

When I began taking this drug, I was promised the moon. After a month the doseage was increased due to NO difference in anything. With the increased doseage, I blacked out 8 time in two weeks while driving, ending up in opposite traffic ands finally in ditch on opposite side of interstate. I fell 9 times at home just standing and was too dizzy to focus my eyes. Docs would NOT permit its removal b...

Shared reviews and ratings

Matthew M | 35-44 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Chronic Heart Failure
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

After 5 years of oral meds for my increased HF it was time for next-stage treatment. I've been on a portable Milrinone iv for about two weeks now. As a 44 year old patient with a sustained ejection fraction of 18-20% the wellness plusses outweigh the inconveniences of the semi-permanent picc line and pump. *notable plusses: -drop in hypertension (blood pressure) -a MARKED increase in physical endurance without exhausting easily. -a MARKED increase in lung function and capacity. Noted at sleep time and during more physically taxing activities. -a MARKED improvement in intimacy/ED complications even while still taking the oral meds that instigate it. -overall mental clarity feels improved. Feel less 'edgy' or overreactive or just plain grumpy. The decrease is blood pressure seems to have helped with that. *notable downsides: -The very short active half life of Milrinone requires constant intravenous dosing. It is not available as an orally ingested dose. As stated, once you have the hang of the picc line methodology you will hopefully find yourself relieved of many of the draining symptoms of advanced heart failure, as I have been so far. -cost. This will vary by insurance. My current insurance covers 80% of my Milrinone treatment..which is costing me approximately $20 per day out of pocket. -new routines: Must change the 190ml medicine pouch AND put a new battery in the portable pump every single day at the approximate same time. I also must compensate for a home visit nurse to change the picc dressing every 7 days..forever..(or until a transplant is available). -picc line area: don't get it wet, let it get dirty or infected and, again, don't get it wet. In closing.. I wish this medicine could be more broadly administered to heart failure patients and not just late stage treatment. It's rapid effectiveness and scale of positive side effects made me a believer that Milrinone is a game changer, especially after 5 years of oral HF meds.Read More Read Less

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OKJOE | 65-74 | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Chronic Heart Failure
Overall rating 2.7
Ease of Use

When I began taking this drug, I was promised the moon. After a month the doseage was increased due to NO difference in anything. With the increased doseage, I blacked out 8 time in two weeks while driving, ending up in opposite traffic ands finally in ditch on opposite side of interstate. I fell 9 times at home just standing and was too dizzy to focus my eyes. Docs would NOT permit its removal but lowered the doseage to earlier levels with mixed results. NO change in severe chronic edema, but almost total depletion of potassium causing massive cramps and 6th headache ever in my life{MASSIVE}. I can see no actions of a viable nature with this medication and the attending hardware is an absolute pain. Have been on it almost three months. "It won't make you live any longer, but can help some one else down the road." EF of 18 with zero improvement "It might buy you SOME time, but we don't know how much." A waste if time and huge amounts of money. WILL be removed when I visit clinic in two weeks.Read More Read Less

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LBJ | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Heart Failure
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

Simply put it has been a miracle for me. Life is back to normal and I am awaiting a transplant.

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Sandra J. B. | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Chronic Heart Failure
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I have been on Milrinone IV for almost eight years via a central line. The doctors tell me that without it I would most likely be deceased by now.The drug is infused continously 24/7. I carry a pouch that contains the pump and medication. The bag last for seventy-two hours. At first it took some getting used to carrying around the bag all the time, but now it is second nature to me.

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