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5.0 Overall Rating


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Magramgreat | 65-74 | Female | Caregiver
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Decades ago, I had exclusively breastfed 3rd child followed 2 yrs later with twins who suffered from many, many ear infections. Dr's Dx was always "ear infection" (which was NEVER confirmed). On another Dr's suggestion found Ryna to be a life-saver!!! The baby/-ies and or child(ren) got relief from the pain within 20 minutes. Ryna quickly became an essential in my medicine cabinet. I could give a lot more details, but space prevents that. However, now those daughters have babies of their own and should any of their little ones need help - Ryna will be their 1st choice!! Additionally, I valued the "no artificial colors, sweeteners or dyes. My kids like the light lemony taste. started using it with my children when I was in my mid-30's. Read More Read Less

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