Medically Reviewed by Kathleen M. Zelman, RD, LD, MPH on February 21, 2023
Question 1/11

Garlic is an herb.

  • True
  • False

This flavor powerhouse is a veggie related to leeks, onions, and shallots. It comes from a plant in the lily family, and while it’s a staple in a chef’s kitchen, people have used it as medicine for thousands of years. During World War I and World War II, it was used to help prevent gangrene (when body tissue dies because of an infection or a lack of blood flow).

Question 2/11

Cooked garlic is better for you than raw.

  • True
  • False

If you do cook it, don’t heat it above 140°F. Higher temperatures can kill the compound that gives it its superpowers. (It may help boost your immune system, fight inflammation, and keep your blood pressure stable, among other things.) Add garlic to your dishes when they’re almost done cooking.

Question 3/11

Garlic oil may help soothe sore joints.

  • True
  • False

You may have the key to relief in your kitchen. It might sound strange, but rubbing garlic oil on the area that hurts can make it feel better because it can help ease inflammation.

Question 4/11

Rubbing garlic on your face may help with:

  • Wrinkles
  • Pimples
  • Sunburn

It may kill the bacteria that causes acne. But be careful before you give it a go: Rubbing garlic on your face could make your skin feel like it’s burning -- and make it smell.

Question 5/11

Garlic is good for your dog.

  • True
  • False

Our furry friends process food differently than we do, and garlic can be toxic to dogs. Don’t worry too much if your pup eats something with a little in it, though. They’d have to eat a lot to get sick.

Question 6/11

Soaking your tootsies in garlic water may help with athlete’s foot.

  • True
  • False

It's a fierce fungus fighter. If you have athlete’s foot, you can also try rubbing raw garlic on your feet.

Question 7/11

Where should you store garlic?

  • Fridge
  • Pantry
  • Plastic bag

The fridge’s coolness and moisture will make green sprouts grow sooner. And keep garlic and onions away from other foods so their strong smells don’t spread to other veggies.

Question 8/11

If green sprouts show up on your garlic, you should toss it.

  • True
  • False

That older bulb with green sprouts might be even better for you than a fresher one. One study found that garlic that had sprouted for 5 days had more heart-healthy antioxidants than younger bulbs. Antioxidants may help protect you from things that can damage your cells.

Question 9/11

Growing garlic can be good for your other plants.

  • True
  • False

It helps keep pests away from peaches, tomatoes, cabbages and eggplant. (Don’t plant it near peas or beans, though, because it can slow their growth.) Plant cloves in early spring, about 6 inches apart with the root about 2 inches in the dirt.

Question 10/11

How many cloves are usually in a bulb?

  • Less than 4
  • 4 to 20
  • More than 20

You can get a clove out of its white papery skin easily and quickly by firmly pressing on it with the flat side of a knife until the clove and skin crack.

Question 11/11

Eat this to get rid of garlic breath:

  • An apple
  • Cheese
  • Yogurt

This is thanks to a certain compound apples have -- but you need to eat one at the same time or not long after the garlic. If you’re out of apples, lettuce or a mint leaf also can do the trick. Garlic breath can last up to a day, because odor-causing chemicals can get into your bloodstream and your lungs when your body digests it.

Show Sources


1) piyaset / Thinkstock


American Chemical Association: “Don’t Throw Out Old, Sprouting Garlic -- It Has Heart-Healthy Antioxidants.”

American Dental Association: “Bad Breath -- Causes and Tips for Controlling It.”

American Family Physician: “Health Effects of Garlic.”

American Heart Association: “Keep Fruits and Vegetables Fresher Longer.”

American Kennel Club: “Can Dogs Eat Garlic?”

Cleveland Clinic: “Six Surprising Ways Garlic Boosts Your Health.”

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health: “Garlic.”

Oregon State University: “Get Your Garlic On: A Primer on Growing, Planting and Harvesting.”

Penn State Extension: “Garlic.”

Produce for Better Health Foundation: “Storing Fresh Fruits and Vegetables for Best Flavor.”

The Ohio State University: “Garlic Breath? Science Says Eat an Apple.”

UCLA Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library: “Garlic.”

University of California: “Garlic: Safe Methods to Store, Preserve, and Enjoy.”

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