Google Ad Links Presented By WebMD

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"Sponsored Links" are paid advertisements. These advertisements have been purchased by companies that want to have links to their sites appear within search results when you search on specific words or phrases on WebMD.

These advertisements are administered, sorted, and maintained by Google and are displayed on WebMD. WebMD may receive payment from Google when you click on any of these advertisements. The advertisements have not been reviewed for accuracy, objectivity, or balance by the physicians or editorial staff at WebMD and are not endorsed by either WebMD or Google.

Your browser typically sends some Non-Personally Identifiable Information, such as your IP address, browser information, and advertiser-specific cookie information, to the servers of the advertiser's link that you click. Also, this same kind of information is typically sent to Google's servers when you click a paid advertisement in the Sponsored Links section of WebMD search results including the word you searched on that triggered the advertisement to display. For information on WebMD's privacy policy and how we treat your information, please visit: /privacy.htm.

For information about how Google sorts these listings, go to the "Google AdWords Program Details and FAQ" section at https://adwords.google.com/select/index.html.

For information on Google's privacy policy, please visit https://www.google.com/privacy.html.