Putting Together an MS Relapse Action Plan

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Bethany Schreiber, MD: A multiple sclerosis relapse can happen at any time.

You should have that conversation with your provider how to be prepared and how to take care of yourself.

During a relapse, call your healthcare provider.

You should know who in the office you're going to call.

Do they have a nurse that you call, or are you going to speak directly with your doctor or his receptionist, and let them know what's going on.

Your provider will talk with you about, are there any medications that can help? Would IV steroids benefit you, in terms of helping your symptoms get better faster? Have a list of people you could call if you need something.

Involve your family and friends. Prioritize what's really important for you to get done.

You may not be up to doing all of your normal activities.

Is it OK if a few of these things don't get done for now?

Multiple sclerosis is a very unpredictable disease.

It is important to be eating the right foods, making sure you're getting enough sleep, and managing your stress and anxiety, which are often common during a relapse.

Patients who have an ongoing sense of hopelessness may also benefit from speaking with a mental health professional, like a counselor or a psychologist, to help manage those emotions.

These symptoms should be getting better over a period of weeks, and you should be in contact with your medical provider and let them know how things are going.