What Causes Musculoskeletal Pain?

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Musculoskeletal pain is one of the most common types of pain. You feel it in your muscles, ligaments, tendons, and bones.

The pain can be acute or chronic, ranging from a sharp jab to a dull, constant throb.

Physical injuries are the most common cause, but it can also come from repetitive movements, poor body mechanics, and everyday wear and tear.

Managing your pain is important. But it can be complicated -- and no single approach works for everyone.

Your doctor may recommend pain relievers like acetaminophen or anti-inflammatory medications.

For isolated areas, topical painkilling creams can deliver targeted relief.

Exercise along with physical therapy are great ways to strengthen muscles and improve range of motion to counteract the pain ...

While therapeutic massage, meditation, and acupuncture can also help to relax muscles and stimulate energy points.

So when it comes to managing your musculoskeletal pain, you may need to try a few options to find the treatment that's best for you.