In Plain Sight: Kissing Chemistry

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When people make out, they get all hot and heavy. But now, with state-of-the-art thermal camera technology, we can see just how hot a make out session really is.

Studies show that touching interaction between men and women can raise the temperature of the face, especially if you're touching highly intimate areas like the chest and the face itself.

Enough hugging already. Let's move on to the good stuff, will ya?

When you kiss someone passionately like these two, your adrenaline level rises, which boosts your heart rate and your face and body temperature. Plus, kissing burns calories, too. So win-win!

Now, that's what I'm talking about.

In addition to generating heat, an open mouth kiss also promotes salivary exchange. Sounds gross, I know. But the good news is that swapping spit exposes you to your partner's germs, which boosts your immune system.

Look at that red around the mouth and face. Burn those calories you two!

Now, as we go down to the midsection, we'll observe-- well, clearly, there's a whole lot going on down there that we can't get into in the time we have.

Phew! I think that hot make out session gave us some good insight into the physiological effects hugging and kissing have on the body. Or we just created porn for tech nerds. You're welcome, techie.