Dealing With Dandruff: Success Strategies

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Mack Rachal, MD, PhD: Generally you want to shampoo three to five times a week, and you want to use a series of anti-dandruff shampoos that have distinct agents.

which will result in reduced itching on the scalp.

We know there are some common skin yeast that live on the scalp, and in some patients they overreact to those. Selenium sulfide works by both decreasing the amount of flaking that you have and also may help decrease some of those yeast that live on the scalp.

So the build-up that you see and the flaking that you see is significantly reduced by coal tar. It used to be not a very elegant element of the product, but now through pharmaceutical marvel it's a very effective treatment. Using two different sources of control -- one that would reduce the cell turnover and one that would reduce the yeast element -- would be very reasonable.

If it's not responding to over-the-counter medicines, that's the time you want to seek attention.

Mack Rachal, MD: , The ketoconazole can be at 2% and that requires a prescription. The 1% preparation is over-the-counter.

Clobetasol is probably the most popular one. The reason you have these different forms is it just gives people more of a choice in treatment.

It's a chronic process. It comes and goes. You cannot cure it.