How to Adjust When the Clock Changes

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Daylight saving time is notorious for throwing people off schedule.

It can be so bad, Arizona even decided to get rid of it altogether.

But unless you live there, you can't avoid adjusting the clock, so you might as well learn to adjust your body.

Here are some tips.

Follow the sun.

Open those shades in the morning, and get a good helping of sun during the day.

At night, dim the lights.

Following the sun's rhythm will help get your body back on tempo.

Calm down.

That means no caffeine, alcohol, or exercise too close to bedtime.

But exercise during the day is great, and will help you wind down later.

Use the time change as an excuse to pamper yourself with a hot bath, soft music, and a good book before bedtime.

You can say it was prescribed by doctor if you need to.

Adjust your mind.

Don't wait till 2:00 AM to adjust your clocks.

Wind them back early to get your mind acclimated.

Go to bed at your updated time, and avoid the urge to sleep in the next day.

If you do it right, it should only take you about one day to adjust to the change.

For WebMD, I'm Dr. Michael Smith.