How to Fall Asleep More Quickly

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Michael Breus, PhD
If you're having a problem falling asleep or staying asleep then one of the things I'm going to ask you to do is meditate. Relax. Do what's called progressive muscle relaxation. That's where you tense muscles and relax them, from the tip of your head down to the bottom of your toes. Most people don't make it past their midsection and it really helps relax people and get them to fall asleep. The biggest problem that people tell me they have in falling asleep is they can't turn their mind off. So, the easiest way I get people to turn their mind off is to concentrate on something else, whether that's counting backwards from 300s by 3, or whether that's again, doing this progressive muscle relaxation, just to allow people to focus on something different can actually be quite helpful in having them fall asleep.