Could Sounds Help You Sleep?

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Michael Breus, PhD
There's lots of sounds that can keep people awake, but there's also sounds that can allow people to fall asleep. Let's talk about the awake sounds just for a moment. If you look at the sounds that are going to wake people up, they actually are different oftentimes by gender. A perfect example of this would be the baby cry. Okay, moms hear the babies barely cry, dads sleep through baby cries. What's interesting is it really depends upon the, on the dad. We're not one hundred percent convinced that dads actually sleep through the baby cry but they may pretend to sleep through the baby cry, and so, hoping that the mother will get up and, and deal with the child because a lot of dads aren't necessarily in that role. In our house, I can hear my kids cry almost before it gets out of their mouth. And I'm dashing across the house, whereas my wife is absolutely out cold. So, it can vary quite a bit. Smoke alarm is one of the things that you'll obviously, that you are tuned in to hear, to listen for. When somebody breaks a window, or you feel that somebody is breaking into the home, those are types of sounds that you will hear. Another pretty disturbing bed sound could be your bed partner. Uh, everything from snoring, to gas, to whatever it is, can keep people awake. Interesting statistic, they found that individuals who sleep next to someone who snores, lose approximately one hour of sleep every night. You sleep next to somebody who snores for 8 nights, you've lost an entire night's worth of sleep. That's a scary statistic, but it's quite true. So there's a lot of things that can have that effect. What can we do to help ourselves with that? Believe it or not, earplugs turn out to be a very good resource. but you want to get your earplugs noise level rated in that you don't want the rating to be above 32, the reason being, then you can't hear the baby cry, or you can't hear the smoke alarm. So, and looking for those foamy earplugs that you can find almost anywhere actually turn about to be a very good option. Another thing we've found is that there is data to suggest that listening to ocean sounds will actually help people relax and fall asleep. but a babbling brook, or rain, may make you want to go to the bathroom. So, you need to be pretty careful about the sounds that you're going to be hearing, because some of them are going to have different reactions to you. Do I have a problem with people sleeping with music? No, but Metallica is probably not the best to fall asleep to, although there are probably plenty of people out there, who can fall asleep to that. You want music without words, generally speaking, and you want music that's going to be reasonably soothing.