Legs Tingling? Find Out What It Is

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What is this creepy, tingling sensation in my legs?

Michael Breus, PhD
Some people will report a tingling sensation in their legs, a creepy, crawly sensation. Oftentimes, that can be something called restless leg syndrome. That can also be due to by the way, to iron poor blood and so people need to be careful to make sure that they are not anemic, but that is definitely a situation that you'd want to talk with your physician about because there are both medications Uh, and behavioral treatments that can be helpful for that.

If I'm not anemic, what causes restless leg syndrome?

Michael Breus, PhD
Nobody's one hundred percent sure exactly what causes it, but what we think is that there's a lack of dopamine in the bloodstream because the medications that are currently being used are what are called dopamine agonists, or they increase the amount of dopamine in the blood, thereby allowing this tingling sensation to reduce.