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Being a heavy smoker, at some point feeling serious pain, I was diagnosed with a Reinke's Edema. I was told to stop smoking. Then I started taking African Potato as a tea, 5 days on, 7 days off. About a year later, the same doctor was very surprised to see that the edema was gone. Now I smoke again, and when I feel the symptoms I take the Potato tea until the symptoms go away.

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Age: 45-54 | On supplement for 5 to less than 10 years |
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

Being a heavy smoker, at some point feeling serious pain, I was diagnosed with a Reinke's Edema. I was told to stop smoking. Then I started taking African Potato as a tea, 5 days on, 7 days off. About a year later, the same doctor was very surprised to see that the edema was gone. Now I smoke again, and when I feel the symptoms I take the Potato tea until the symptoms go away.

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Dr. Kaz Hutton | Age: 45-54 | On supplement for less than 1 month |
Condition: Nonmelanoma skin cancer
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

A cream made up of African Potatoe, Grape seed oil and Calandula was the difference between going back into the sun or never again being outdoors. After scrubbing the potatoe with a scrubbing brush, boil skin and all for about 10 minutes allow to cool and then mash and then cream with electric mixer. The consistancy must be absolutely smooth, take out the bits of skin that won't liquidize. Add Grape Seed oil and Calandula in the same amounts until you get a lotion type solution. You can add a few drops of you favourite aromatherapy oil for a nice sent if you wish. Put into a sterile bottle and use every night after your evening bath. Please note this is not a cure, it merely halts the disease. For Psoriasis, scrub your affected areas with a hard nail brush (yes I know OUCH!) with a mild soap not a disinfectant soap and follow above instructions. Stop scrubbing when scaling stops and start again once it forms. Read More Read Less

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