How to Fall Asleep With Mindfulness Techniques

Medically Reviewed by Dan Brennan, MD on August 24, 2021
3 min read

Sleep plays a massive role in maintaining your overall health. Millions of people in America have a hard time getting sound sleep. Research has found that using mindfulness techniques helps to solve sleep issues.‌

Mindfulness involves being aware of your thoughts, senses, feelings, and environment moment by moment. You gently accept what you are thinking and feeling without judgment.

An effective way you can use mindfulness to help you fall asleep is through mindfulness meditation. In this technique, you mainly focus on your breathing and pay attention to your present thoughts and feelings. While doing this, try not to think about your past experiences or the future. Mindfulness meditation is meant to trigger a relaxation response and take your mind off your daily issues.‌

How to practice mindfulness meditation in two steps:

  1. Calm focus. Choose a calm way to focus. You may stay calm by taking a deep breath, saying a positive word or phrase (like “relax” or “I am relaxed”), or making a sound (“om”). You may do these calming actions repeatedly (silently or aloud) while inhaling and exhaling. 
  2. Relax. After focusing on what you're feeling, let go and don't worry about how you're doing. When you notice your mind wander, take a deep breath and return to what you chose for your calm focus. 

All mindfulness techniques are like meditation in some way. They include:

  • Urge surfing. This technique involves noticing your urges and cravings. Pay attention to your body’s desires with the knowledge that it will pass. The certainty replaces the wish that the urge will go away; thus, you may control the craving.
  • Sensory mindfulness. To use this technique, note the sounds, tastes, smells, and sights you experience and name them without judging.
  • Body sensation mindfulness. This involves appreciating your whole body and paying attention to the simple sensations, like itching, and letting them go.
  • Emotional mindfulness. With this technique, you allow yourself to feel all emotions, name them, and let them pass without judgment.

A relaxed mental state is vital when trying to fall asleep with mindfulness techniques. Here are a few factors that may help you to maintain calm and focus:

  • The environment. Relaxation will require you to be in a quiet place. This does not mean that the environment needs to be silent. Having some calm music or sounds on may help with the process. Avoid a loud or noisy environment.
  • Attention. For you to successfully practice mindfulness meditation, you need to focus your attention on your present. Try not to pay attention to what is happening in your external environment. Maintain your breathing pattern or focus on an image in your head to prevent your brain from wandering off.
  • Attitude. Accept that it is natural for your mind to wander, and stay calm when it does.
  • Positioning. The place you are in when trying to relax matters. Since you're trying to fall asleep, choose a position where you are most comfortable. You might try laying in bed before you begin your mindfulness meditation.

Mindfulness comes with a few more perks on top of improving sleep. It's been found to have some psychological and physical benefits. They include:

  1. Boosting physical health. Mindfulness techniques may be useful in managing blood pressure, heart conditions, chronic pain, and gastrointestinal problems.
  2. Managing mental health issues. Mindfulness meditation is used in the treatment of anxiety disorders, depression, eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, marital conflicts, and substance abuse.
  3. Improving general well-being. Practicing mindfulness may improve your quality of life. It might help you enjoy the simple things, leading to a satisfying life. It may also enable you to deal with hard times.

On top of mindfulness techniques, there are a few practices that may help you improve your sleep. Forming these habits will help improve your sleep hygiene. They include:

  • Try to maintain a consistent bedtime. Ensure that you go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends.
  • Make your bedroom comfortable. Keep it dark, quiet, and at a suitable temperature when you are about to sleep.
  • Consider doing exercises or staying physically active in the daytime so you may fall asleep more easily at night.
  • Avoid using electronics like your smartphone, computer, or TV in your bedroom before going to sleep.
  • Try not to consume alcohol, caffeinated drinks, or a large meal just before going to bed.