Foods for Healthy, Supple Skin
What to Favor
Collards, Kale, Spinach
Green Tea
Drink Up
Olive Oil
Oily Fish
More Tips for Better Skin
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Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology: “Diet and dermatology.”
Mount Sinai: "Alpha-linolenic acid."
Oregon State University: "Essential Fatty Acids and Skin Health."
Cleveland Clinic: "Plant Sources of Omega-3s."
USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 28.
The World’s Healthiest Foods: "Kiwifruit."
Oregon State University: “Vitamin C and Skin Health.”
British Journal of Nutrition: “Interactions between vitamins C and E in human subjects.”
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition: “Hass Avocado Composition and Potential Health Effects.”
Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology: “Overall skin tone and skin-lightening-improving effects with oral supplementation of lutein and zeaxanthin isomers: a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial.”
The World’s Healthiest Foods: "Yogurt, grass-fed."
Frontiers in Microbiology: “The Gut Microbiome as a Major Regulator of the Gut-Skin Axis.”
Harvard Health Publishing: "How to get more probiotics."
Antioxidants: “Green Tea and Other Tea Polyphenols: Effects on Sebum Production and Acne Vulgaris.”
Oregon State University: "Flavonoids and Skin Health."
CDC: "Get the Facts: Drinking Water and Intake."
Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology: “Dietary water affects human skin hydration and biomechanics.”
Cleveland Clinic: "Dehydrated? These 7 Foods Will Satisfy Your Thirst and Hunger."
International Journal of Molecular Sciences: “Anti-Inflammatory and Skin Barrier Repair Effects of Topical Application of Some Plant Oils.”
Journal of the American College of Nutrition: “Skin wrinkling: can food make a difference?”
Antioxidants (Basel): “Antioxidants in Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Table Olives: Connections between Agriculture and Processing for Health Choices.”
Biofactors: “The effect of dietary intake of coenzyme Q10 on skin parameters and condition: Results of a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind study.”
Ceska Slov Farm: “Coenzyme Q10--its importance, properties and use in nutrition and cosmetics.”
Oregon State University: "Coenzyme Q10."
Journal of Pharmacy BioAllied Sciences: “Coenzyme Q10: The essential nutrient.”
Dermato-Endocrinology: “Discovering the link between nutrition and skin aging.”
University of Rochester Medical Center: "Beta-Carotene."
Food and Nutrition Sciences: “Nutritional and Health Benefits of Carrots
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Cuciureanu, M. and Vink, R. Magnesium in the Central Nervous System, University of Adelaide Press; 2011.
MedlinePlus: "Vitamin E."
American Academy of Dermatology: “When it comes to skin health, does diet make a difference?”
Dermato-endocrinology: “Discovering the link between nutrition and skin aging.”
USDA Agricultural Research Service: “Dark green leafy vegetables.”