How Fabry Disease Is Diagnosed

Medically Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD on October 06, 2022
3 min read

It can take a long time to get diagnosed with Fabry disease. Many people wait more than a decade after they first have symptoms to learn that they have this genetic condition. 

Fabry disease is often mistaken for other problems, including arthritis, fibromyalgia, or multiple sclerosis because it affects various body parts and has symptoms similar to other diseases. It may take many visits with different doctors to get the right diagnosis.

It might be your eye doctor who first suspects you have this condition. Because it commonly affects the eyes, many people with the condition have cloudy streaks or circle-shaped areas on their cornea. These hazy patterns don’t often happen with other disorders, so they can help diagnose Fabry disease faster. Fabry also affects the vessels of the retina.

Some people may find out they have Fabry disease if someone close to them knows others who have it or recognizes the symptoms.

Your family history can suggest you have Fabry disease, especially if you have a male relative who has had kidney failure, heart disease, or a stroke as a younger person. Research shows that on average, every person diagnosed with Fabry disease has five more family members who have it, too.

If your doctor thinks you might have Fabry disease, they may have you see a specialist to confirm it.  Fabry is a life-threatening and progressive disease. Your doctor could suggest a nephrologist, who specialize in kidney problems, and geneticists. Pediatricians, cardiologists, neurologists, and rheumatologists are other possible specialists.

Your doctor first will ask about your symptoms and family history and examine you. Then they might suggest lab tests to check for Fabry disease.

They might take a sample of your blood that can be used for a couple of tests. These are different for men and women.

  • Men. The test measures the amount of an enzyme called alpha-GAL, or how well it works. This enzyme is missing or low if you have Fabry disease. Alpha-GAL breaks down a fatty substance that builds up in your body and can damage your skin, kidneys, heart, brain, and nervous system.
  • Women. The doctor will do a DNA test on your blood to screen for changes to a specific gene that causes Fabry disease. That’s because alpha-GAL enzyme levels in women might be close to normal even if you have the condition.

Both types of blood tests can tell for sure if you have Fabry disease or not.

Fathers who have the faulty gene for Fabry disease will pass the gene on to all of their daughters, but not to any of their sons. Their daughters with the affected gene or mothers with the faulty gene have a 50-50 chance of passing the gene on to a child of either sex.  Women typically were seen as having the gene without the disease, however, we now know that being a carrier of the faulty gene can also mean having severe symptoms of Fabry. 

If you plan to have children, you can take a genetic test to check if you carry the gene. Pregnant women can also be tested to see if their babies have the condition. Some states in the U.S. also screen newborns for Fabry disease. Your doctor or a genetic counselor can offer information and guidance.