Antibacterial Soap

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Does antibacterial soap make you feel extra clean and protected?

Well, turns out a chemical in these soaps could actually be making things worse.

The germ-killing chemical is called triclosan, and a study has linked it to diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and even infertility.

The chemical is found in about 75% of antibacterial soaps in the US.

So what can you do?

It's actually pretty easy.

Stop using antibacterial soap.

It doesn't get rid of bacteria any more than regular soap and water, which means it won't protect you any better from getting sick.

And it doesn't make your kitchen or bathroom any cleaner, either.

Some researchers even think using antibacterial soap may contribute to the rise of superbugs-- bacteria that can't be killed by antibiotics.

Now that's dangerous.

You can rest easy that a good old fashioned soap and water are enough to keep you clean.

For WebMD, I'm Dr. Michael Smith.