Dale Larson, PhD

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Dale Larson, PhD, clinician, researcher, and author, is a national leader in end-of-life care and training. He is the author of the award-winning book, The Helper's Journey: Working With People Facing Grief, Loss, and Life-Threatening Illness, and was senior editor and a contributing author for the Robert Wood Johnson funded national newspaper series, Finding Our Way: Living with Dying in America, which reached 7 million Americans. Larson co-directed the Berkeley Hospice Training Project and chaired the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization's First National Conference on Hospice Volunteerism. He has published extensively on communication issues, interdisciplinary teamwork, and professional stress in end-of-life care and has keynoted more than 100 national and international health care conferences on these topics. A former Fulbright Scholar, Larson is a professor of counseling psychology at Santa Clara University.

Larson received his BA in psychology from the University of Chicago and his PhD in clinical psychology from the University of California at Berkeley. He lives in San Jose, Calif., with his wife Deborah and his son Evan.


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