The Truth About Carbs
What Are Carbs?
Your Body’s Fuel
Workout Prep
Full of Nutrients
Simple Carbs
Complex Carbs
Storage Tank
If You Have Too Many
If You Don’t Have Enough
The Right Amount
Low-Carb Diets
Diabetes and Carbs
Where to Get Healthy Carbs
1) egal / Thinkstock
2) National Cancer Institute / Science Source
3) artursfoto / Thinkstock
4) (Clockwise from top left) Creativeye99 / Thinkstock, dvulikaia / Thinkstock, egal / Thinkstock
5) cmc850 / Thinkstock
6) (Clockwise from top left) AllNikArt / Thinkstock, PosiNote / Thinkstock, peangdao / Thinkstock, vkbhat / Thinkstock
7) magicmine / Thinkstock
8) David M. Phillips / Science Source
9) SciePro / Science Source
10) Nastco / Thinkstock, monticelllo / Thinkstock
11) ThitareeSarmkasat / Thinkstock
12) AndreyPopov / Thinkstock
13) (Clockwise from top left) amberto4ka / Thinkstock, SasaJo / Thinkstock, al62 / Thinkstock, tbralnina / Thinkstock, koosen / Thinkstock, Bojsha65 / Thinkstock
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: “Timing Your Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition.”
Center for Young Women’s Health: “Carbohydrates.”
Diabetes Forecast: “How the Body Uses Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats.”
Harvard Health Publishing: “Ketogenic diet: Is the ultimate low-carb diet good for you?” “Carbohydrates -- Good or Bad for You?”
Harvard School of Public Health: “Carbohydrates.”
Journal of Pediatrics: “Ten-year single-center experience of the ketogenic diet: factors influencing efficacy, tolerability, and compliance.”
Mayo Clinic: “Diabetes.”
Merck Manual: “Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats.”