Healthier Desserts
Berries and Cream
Frozen Fruit Bars
Dark Chocolate
Yogurt Parfait
Oat Apple Crisp
Fruit and Cheese
Chocolate-Covered Frozen Bananas
Nut Bar
Poached Pears
Sweetened Popcorn
Chocolate Milk
Frozen Yogurt Bars
1) lenta / Thinkstock
2) iuliia_n / Thinkstock
3) PicLeidenschaft / Thinkstock
4) arinahabich / Thinkstock
5) viennetta / Thinkstock
6) MSPhotographic / Thinkstock
7) Tatiana Volgutova / Thinkstock
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9) Pinkybird / Thinkstock
10) itakdalee / Thinkstock
11) Devonyu / Thinkstock
American Academy of Dietetics: “Poached Pears with Caramel Sauce Recipe.”
American Heart Association: “What is a serving?”
ChooseMyPlate: “All About the Dairy Group.”
Cleveland Clinic: “Heart Healthy Benefits of Chocolate.”
Consumer Reports: “Best Energy Bars: Crunchy, Chewy, Tasty ... and Healthy, Too?”
Diabetes Forecast: “Simple and Elegant Poached Pears.”
Fruits and Veggies More Matters: “Fruit and Vegetable Variety,” “Key Nutrients in Fruits and Vegetables,” “The Everyday Chef: Frozen Chocolate Banana Coins.”
Go Red for Women: “Health Benefits of Blueberries.”
Harvard School of Public Health: “Dark Chocolate.”
Mayo Clinic: “Healthy Recipes: Poached pears.”
USDA Agricultural Research Service.
USDA Mixing Bowl: “Whole Grain Fruit Crisp,” “Apple Pistachio Crisp,” “Strawberry Yogurt Popsicles,” “Frozen Fruit Pops.”
U.S. Department of Agriculture: “2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 8th Edition.”
World’s Healthiest Foods: “How do the healthy fats in nuts and seeds help protect against cardiovascular disease?” “How does fruit juice compare to whole fruit?”