Foods That Trigger Diarrhea

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Nothing can make you regret eating that gluttonous meal quite like diarrhea. Too much of some common foods can trigger the runs. One of the most common? Sugar substitutes.

There's no faster way to get sick than downing a whole bag of sugar-free candy. That's because some major sugar substitutes, like xylitol, sorbitol, mannitol, and maltitol--


--aren't digested by your body. Once they're in your colonic superhighway, they start fermenting, causing gas, bloating, and-- that's right-- diarrhea.

A diet high in fatty foods can also trigger bad times in the bathroom, as can milk, cheese, and other dairy products for more than 30 million Americans who are lactose-intolerant. If a cup of java sends you straight to the can, caffeine may be a trigger for you, too. Caffeine is a muscle stimulant and a diuretic, which can cause your colon to work overtime and draw in a bunch of water from your body. The result? Once again, diarrhea.

So if you're sprinting faster than an Olympic gold medalist to hit the head, consider steering clear of these diarrhea-causing foods. And if you're spending more time in the baño than with your family, it may be time to see a doctor.