How Your Gut Health Affects Your Whole Body
Helpful Germs
Gut Microbiome
Fighting the Good Fight
Unhealthy Balance
Gut Bacteria and Your Heart
Gut Bacteria and Your Kidneys
Gut Bacteria and Your Brain
Gut Bacteria and Obesity
Can You Change Your Gut Bacteria?
How Can Probiotics Help?
Sources of Probiotics
Other Ways to Change Gut Bacteria
Show Sources
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1) jamesbenet / Getty Images
2) ChrisChrisW / Thinkstock
3) Dr_Microbe / Thinkstock
5) wildpixel / Thinkstock
6) look_around / Thinkstock
7) Sebastian Kaulitzki / Thinkstock
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9) Jose Luis Pelaez Inc. / Thinkstock
10) luismmolina / Getty Images
11) AntonioGuillem / Thinkstock
12) (Left to right) olgakr / Thinkstock, skyjo / Thinkstock, MartinFredy / Thinkstock
13) (Clockwise, from top left) vikif / Thinkstock, Diana Taliun / Thinkstock, BWFolsom / Thinkstock, Kroeger/Gross / Getty Images, Proformabooks / Thinkstock
14) Ray Kachatorian / Getty Images
15) BSIP / UIG / Getty Images
UConn Today: “How Bactera Keep Us Healthy.”
Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal: “Part 1: The Human Gut Microbiome in Health and Disease.”
ACP Microbe Institute: “Microbe Magic,” “The Good Bacteria.”
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: “Prebiotics and Probiotics: Creating a Healthier You.”
Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation: “Gut Microbiome Points To Cures and Treatment for IBD.”
International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders: “Gut Bacteria and IBS.”
Cleveland Clinic: “How Gut Bacteria May Help Curb Your Heart Disease.”
University of California, Los Angeles: “Changing Gut Bacteria Through Diet Affects Brain Function, UCLA Study Shows.”
Journal of Neuroscience: “Gut Microbes and the Brain: Paradigm Shift in Neuroscience.”
Endocrine Society: “Magnetic Brain Stimulation Causes Weight Loss By Making Gut Bacteria Healthier.”
Mayo Clinic: “What Are Probiotics?”
Journal of Food Science and Technology: “Probiotics, Prebiotics and Synbiotics -- A Review.”