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Most voted positive review

71 People found this comment helpful

Antabuse, combined with other treatment modalities is an awesome way to get the Alcoholic on the way to sobriety. However, care must be used in those suffering from hepatocellular dysfunction or other liver problems. Unlike other expensive drugs this deterrant can help the alcoholic build a foundation to recovery.

Most voted negative review

10 People found this comment helpful

Ok, I JUST started it yesterday. Have taken only two tablets so far. How long does it take to kick in?? I wanted to find out how sick it can make you, so I tried some cologne...waited 90 min, nothing. Did a shot of tequila...then another...and just did my third. Have NO signs (headache, nausea, etc). what's up with this???

Shared reviews and ratings

Anonymous | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I have been on it a few months along with naltraxone and have found that I never think of drinking or anything else. But on the head of a pin a couple of times, I got a notion ya know? Mostly it passes but there was a time when I had not taken antabuse in 5 days and had only started taking it again that day. Ended up drinking all day with no effect and was taking benalyn everyday for a week but got on track. Then yesterday I decided to have a glass of wine. After about 15 minutes I started to feel strange so went to bed, I was glad the antabuse was having an affect. I woke up an hour later and I thought I was dying. I was vomiting, diarrhoea, palpitations, flushes, swollen tongue, I thought I was dying. This went on for about 3hours and finally subsided to a lighter version of this for another few hours. I WILL NOT be doing that again. Was honestly the worst experience of my life because I didn't know when it was going to end. Online it said an hour but really it only started to get really bad after an hour. I will keep taking it and will never be so careless with alcohol on it again. Read More Read Less

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M | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I have been taking these on and off for around 10 years but keep making the mistake of not keeping up with other support - they are amazing so long as you put in the work needed to genuinely change ??

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Anonymous | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

My experience with this drug was just ok in my evaluation. It was helpful at first to ward off the cravings for alcohol, about the first 3 months I would say. I did drink Non-Alcoholic beer with no reactions at all. I did try drinking regular beer a couple of times and had reactions of flushed face, hear racing, slurred speech, and vomiting on a couple of occasions. Over a period of time I developed a huge cravings for sweets. I decided on my own to quit taking the medication. I have not experienced any alcohol cravings. I am currently on day 6 without the medication and I am feeling much better each day and the sweets cravings have subsided quite a bit. I would recommend this drug as a safety net short term but long term I would look into other avenues perhaps. Read More Read Less

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Mary | 55-64 | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I had a horrible reaction with the first dose! I immediately developed restless leg syndrome and it engulfed my entire body to the point I was literally acting psychotic! I was having convulsion like spasms, EMT was called and I spent 5 days in the hospital on Ativan to quell the â??pins and needles!â? It was HORRIBLE! I would have killed myself to stop the â??buzzingâ? that was throughout my entire body! At my follow up with my doctor I learned my bloodwork showed it was a severe allergic reaction! In discussion with others sharing experience with this pill I havnt seen one other person who had that reaction! It was TERRIFYING! Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

I have been a chronic alcoholic for many many years. My Dr prescribed this. I drank whilst on this. It didn’t make vomit - my face got flushed that was all. I could continue to drink. I was hoping for something that would make me violently ill if I tried to drink

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AlisonnXO | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I was 20 years sober. I sponsored women in 12 steps, was considered a 12 step guru of sorts. It was my whole life for many years. It worked, but none of that mattered, when I suffered for years with a serious health issue, during which my husband left me for another woman. I felt very broken, physically, mentally, spiritually. No amount of meetings, therapy or support helped. I consequently entered into a violently abusive relationship, I'd never experienced before. I tried to get help, but it's not easy with domestic violence. After 6 months of trying to leave, I figured either my health or this jerk would kill me, might as well drink a little wine. What a huge mistake that was! After a month, I was drinking wine and liquor. I end up in the ER close to death from alcohol poisoning. After this scare, I got help, was able to get rid of my abuser with an order of protection and stayed sober for several months. Then, I got this crazy notion that if I stuck to beer it'd be ok. Nope. Progressively, I got worse. Quit again for several months. All the while I was in and out of meetings. I drank again. My psychiatrist finally put me on Antabuse and Campral (for cravings). It worked, but then I stopped taking them or forgot to take them. Drank again. Now I'm following my prescriptions to a "T". Seriously, not playing around. I augment with 12 step meetings because I KNOW they work. I'm just not cultish about them like I used to be. I am focusing on family, traveling, earning back money, and developing peace and serenity. If I try to drink even a little on Antabuse, I cant breathe, my mouth burns, develop a wicked headache and have diarrhea. The Campral keeps the strong cravings at bay, but isn't perfect. Only reason I didn't give Antabuse 5 stars is how scary near death I've felt the few times I drank a tiny amount. People can seriously die if they are reckless with Antabuse. Also, I get pain in my right side which is my liver and SOD flaring. Hope I can get off it!!!Read More Read Less

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Pm624 | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

If you are struggling with alcoholism or drinking too much, AND YOU ARE 100% COMMITTED to stop drinking, this is the best thing that has ever been added to my treatment plan. This medication needs to be taken in conjunction with some kind of therapy, recovery meetings, or a committed support system. This medication does not help withdrawal symptoms. If you are having withdrawal symptoms see your doctor. DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL AT ALL WHAT SO EVER while on this medication. The warming label text about consuming alcoholic beverages is not a joke. Please don't let this scare you from taking it. If you mess up it's ok. I promise you will not being doing that again. With that said, if you do drink while taking this medication you will be experiencing very similar symptoms of detox. I knew I was serious about staying sober and quite frankly part of me thought I would be fine. I was very unpleasantly, but gratefully reminded how much better I feel not drinking alcohol. Read More Read Less

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Angela | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I started Antabuse 2 days ago while drinking. I feel absolutely horrible.i will abstain now as I know how it feels. I just wanted to test it first-hand and boy, I learnt the hard way!

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jacalyn | 45-54 | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

anyone, had gel nails removed while on Antabuse?

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Lbgarden | 45-54 | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I tried to drink my life away..finally committed to sobriety. After a week in a detox center my doctor started me on Antabuse and antidepressants. Took a couple of weeks for everything to settle in my system. It still makes me a little tired but I love life now... 928 days later �️ Go to meetings, get a sponsor and you can do it, One day at a time. I'm so blessed!

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Help22 | 35-44 | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

My life was falling apart. I was depressed and drinking to hide from my emotions then depressed because I was drinking at least 12 beers a day without fail. Rehab was not an option because of the chance of losing my job and this was my last attempt to save my marriage. I have no cravings, but I'll admit I took my first 250mg pill with a beer in the morning. The side effects lasted all day and so far into the next. Terrible stomach cramps, diarhea, horrible headache and inability to eat. However, I have to say the cravings are gone I have no desire to drink and I'm hoping these symptoms were a result of my stupid decision to get in one last beer. Read More Read Less

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emcc5696 | 35-44 | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

This is a very effective drug. But for those who want a little insight on how effective it is. I was taking 500mg for one week and decided I wanted to drink on the weekend for a family event. So Wed. morning was the last time I took a pill. I figured by Thursday night I might be able to have a couple drinks. I knew I was risking it, and I did. 1 beer, 1 vodka and I was completely red, tight chest, rapid heart beat, vertigo. Ok so I pass out. I try the next night with one beer, same thing. The following day with two beers, same thing. I was a glutton for punishment. Bottom line, don't do it. I know I should be on the drug, so I started taking it again, and its great because it completely shuts down the idea that you can have even one. I think, oh well I won't take the drug for a day or two, but then I remember that doesn't matter because it'll stay in my system for days if not weeks, so I just keep taking it, and it definitely keeps me sober. Till I get over the three month hump I will keep taking it. I've used it before and it was very effective. I stayed sober for a year and a half. Now I just have to start this all over again. But never give up folks, it's a life long battle. If you fall, just pull yourself up and do what you know what works. This worked before and it'll work again. Good luck to us all. Oh, I also recommend coupling this vivitrol, it'll help with the cravings. I used the vivitrol for over a year. The antabuse I could only use for two months last time because it gave me a terrible metallic taste in my mouth. Hope this helps. Read More Read Less

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ChristinaNicole | 25-34 | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I have been on Antabuse for almost a month. I have not had any side effects. After a few days of using it I used my deodorant which contained alcohol and my vision was so severely blurred I couldn't see more then 3 feet in front of me for over an hour. I washed it off and slowly got my vision back. I have since experimented with lotions and perfumes, shampoo/conditioners with no effect.

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joem2 | 45-54 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

I started taking antabuse 16 days ago. I took 500 mg the first two days but the side effects, for me, were rough. i had diarrhea and extreme fatigue. I nearly fell asleep in a client meeting a day after taking the drug. Today is my 16th day sober but I wanted to have some beer. It's been 9 and a half days since I took my last pill. I figured that even if it's not entirely out of my system, by this time the concentration would be so low that I'd have only mild symptoms and I'd just stop if I had any of them. Just finished my first beer and no symptoms whatsoever yet. Anyway, I plan on having a few beers today then going back on antabuse over the weekend. Read More Read Less

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HeftyJo | 35-44 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

After a health scare where I fainted at work I went to the doctor to find out I had extremely high blood pressure and my liver enzymes were elevated. The doctor asked how much I drank and I told him at least 12 drinks a day. He stood there blinking for a few seconds and said, "We can't do that anymore. Do you think you can stop?" I hemmed and hawed and said I'd try and then he told me the only way my liver would heal is if I completely 100% stopped drinking. He told me about the Antabuse and how it would make me violently ill if I drank any alcohol. I went ahead and took the prescription but was shocked to find it was $130 even with my insurance. But that is a lot cheaper than a liver transplant so I went ahead and bought it. I went home and read about all the side effects and was really scared to take it at first. I thought I'd just try it cold turkey on my own but all that really meant was switching to wine instead of vodka. One night I got completely smashed and wrote on a note card, "It's time we start feeling better", and then broke down bawling crying. The next day I started taking the drug and completely stopped drinking out of fear of becoming violently ill. I stayed completely sober for 3 months on it and my abdomen slimmed down dramatically. I didn't realize home much my liver was swollen from all the alcohol abuse. I hadn't taken a dosage for about 3 days and I was at a hockey game with my Dad. I went to the concession to get something to eat and he asked me to pick him up a beer. I got the beer and was walking back to my seat but the beer was so full that it was spilling everywhere. I just took one little sip to make some room at the top and then kept walking to my seat. I didn't even get halfway there when I suddenly felt dizzy and confused. I had to sit there through a period and a half of hockey feeling absolutely terrible. Can't imagine what I'd feel if I actually drank the whole thing. Safe to say, you DON'T want to drink alcohol on this drug.Read More Read Less

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Ninja14 | 45-54 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

Ok, I JUST started it yesterday. Have taken only two tablets so far. How long does it take to kick in?? I wanted to find out how sick it can make you, so I tried some cologne...waited 90 min, nothing. Did a shot of tequila...then another...and just did my third. Have NO signs (headache, nausea, etc). what's up with this???

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ryeandcoke | 65-74 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month |
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I am about to start my treatment. After reading 118 reviews I am pumped up and ready to get alcohol off my back!

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shazaam | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I am really excited about this and feel so much better already! I took the full dose the first week but now only take a half pill so I can make the prescription last longer. I also found a discount coupon online so it was only about $52.00 at Walgreens which is extremely inexpensive compared to what I spend on alcohol in a month. I love that I just have no option now when I pass a liquor store and I really hope this works to help train my brain that I do not need to drink crazy amounts everyday. I really like it and am glad I decided to follow through on taking it. Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | Female | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

Side effects are tough. Cleaned nails and had reaction to alcohol in remover. Not fun. Meeting w doctor to check. But nice to take in that you don't drink.

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cubbylovespappabear | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I was binge drinking every month for to many years to remember 3 to 4 pints of takka vodka 2 weeks on then i would get sick throwing up my body would lock up and anxiety would kick in and to the hospital i would go i would stay sober for about 2 weeks and back to the same cicle my family was tired of it my boyfriend had one foot out the door until we found about antabuse i had tried programs aa and nothing had helped im proud to say i going on 60 days sober and ocasionaly i get nasea my only concern now is my liver i have cerousis of my liver and i know this medication is bad for my liver i figured the vodka was worse on my liver and i was going to end up in jail and all alone thanks to antabuse my relationship is better than ever my family is here for me now only if i can find away to maintain a healthy liver while on antibuse but to those who r curious about this medication personally i think it works if u have someone to make sure you take it everyday luckily i have my boyfriend who gives it to me every morning.......Read More Read Less

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