Dry Eyes and What You Can Do About Them
If Your Eyes Are Dry …
Your Eyes Need Moisture
What Your Tears Do
Dry Eye Syndrome
Possible Cause: Age
Possible Cause: Certain Illnesses
Possible Cause: Eye Surgery
Evaporative Dry Eye
Tear Duct Infection
What Can Make It Worse: Low Humidity
What Can Make It Worse: Too Much Screen Time
What Can Make It Worse: Contact Lenses
What You Can Do: Artificial Tears
What You Can Do: Change Your Diet
When to Call Your Doctor
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American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus: “Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and Treatment.”
American Optometric Association: “Dry Eye.”
Harvard Health Publications: “Tear Duct Infection (Dacryocystitis),” “Dry Eye Syndrome,” “Omega-3 Fatty Acids: An Essential Contribution,” “When eyes get dry and what you can try.”
National Eye Institute: “Facts About Dry Eye.”
National Institutes of Health: “Dry Eye After Cataract Surgery and Associated Intraoperative Risk Factors,” “Post-LASIK dry eye.”