When to Call 911: Serious Symptoms to Never Ignore
Trust Your Gut
Chest Pain
Shortness of Breath
Vision Problems
Head Injury
Deep Cuts
Stomach Pain
Testicular Pain or Swelling
High Fever
Confusion or Trouble Speaking
Broken Bones
Vaginal Bleeding During Pregnancy
Special Case: Blood-Thinning Medications
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American College of Emergency Physicians (Emergency Care for You): “Emergency 101: Abdominal pain.”
American Stroke Association: “Stroke Warning Signs and Symptoms.”
BJC Accountable Care Association: “Keeping You Safe While On Blood Thinners.”
CDC: “What are the Signs and Symptoms of Concussion?”
Cleveland Clinic: “Does Your Cut Need Stitches? Find Out How to Tell,” “Do You Know When to Visit the ER for Vomiting?”
Diabetes Self Management: “Silent Heart Attack.”
Harvard Health Publications: “Fever in adults,” “When chest pain strikes: What to expect at the emergency room.”
HealthyChildren.org: “When to Call the Pediatrician: Fever.”
March of Dimes: “Bleeding and spotting from the vagina during pregnancy.”
Mayo Clinic: “Vision Problems,” “Burns: First aid,” “Chest pain: First aid,” “Diseases and Conditions: Grand mal seizure,” “Fractures (broken bones): First aid,” “Symptoms: Shortness of Breath.”
National Stroke Association: “Signs and Symptoms of Stroke.”
NetWellness.org: “Stroke: Know the Warning Signs and Act FAST!”
Scripps.org: “Should You Go to the Emergency Room or Urgent Care?”
University of Maryland Medical Center: “Testicle pain.”