Wellness Coach's Nutrition Tips

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So I've often been asked, how do I personally approach my nutrition program for myself?

Well, it's pretty darn simple. I believe consistency is the name of the game when it comes to nutrition.

So what I do is five times a day, I have something to eat. It always starts with a big breakfast in the morning. I have a snack about three hours later, and then from there, I have a good lunch, snack three hours later, and then the same thing happens. I have a wonderful dinner at night.

Now, in those meals, I always try to have a balance of complex carbs, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

And I try to stick that throughout the day because without that consistency, the body's always guessing what's going on.

On top of that, I try to hydrate as much as I possibly can. So what are my cheats. I love pancakes, I'm not going to lie to you, and I put a lot of maple syrup on them, right.

The trick is this. When you do cheat, don't stress about it. As long as you're eating well about 80% of the time, you're going to be all right.

So again, we're human. We make mistakes.

Don't beat yourself up, but try to be healthy and well. 80% of the time, 20%, have some fun.