John Weisburger

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John Weisburger, PhD, is a senior member of the American Health Foundation in Valhalla, N.Y., an internationally known center for research in disease prevention and health promotion, and research professor of experimental pathology at New York Medical College. Weisburger has served as an officer in the U.S. Public Health Service. He has worked at the National Cancer Institute, serving as head of the Carcinogen Screening Section and director of the Bioassay Segment of Carcingenesis Programs.

Weisburger is on the editorial boards of several scientific and medical journals and has published over 550 papers and reviews on such topics as the mode of action of carcinogens, bioassays of suspected carcinogenic agents, and detailed studies of the causes of cancer, with emphasis on nutrition and chronic disease risks. His research aims to elucidate the principal causes and modifiers of human cancer and their mechanisms of action.

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