The past month has likely been filled with highs and lows. Your life has dramatically changed, and you probably feel unsure about what to do sometimes. That's completely normal; know that it will get better. Your pediatrician can help address any concerns that you may have, so don't be shy about asking questions!
Here's what to expect at your baby's 1-month checkup.
You Can Expect Your Baby's Doctor to:
- Check that baby's umbilical cord stump has fallen off, and that baby's belly button is healing properly
- Examine your baby boy's penis if they were circumcised
- Give your baby a hepatitis B vaccine (The shot is usually given in the hospital at 2 days and then at 1 month and 6 months of age. Some pediatricians give it at birth, then at 2 and 6 months.)
- Check your baby's weight and height and get details about the feeding schedule
- Ask about your health and well-being, offering an Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EDPS) , which was developed to identify women who may have postpartum depression.
Questions Your Baby's Doctor May Ask
- Are you giving your baby tummy time when they are awake?
- Does your baby quiet down when they hear your voice?
- Is your baby moving their arms and legs equally?
- Is your baby getting vitamin supplementation?
Questions You May Have About Baby's Appearance
- Why are my baby's eyes tearing a lot?
- When will their acne go away?
- What can I do about my baby's flaky scalp?
- Why are my baby's eyes crossing?
Tips for Eye and Skin Issues
- Tear ducts in infants are sometimes blocked, but most babies grow out of this.
- Massaging the area where the inner corner of the eye meets the nose with a warm cloth can help.
- Don't worry if your baby develops acne or a flaky scalp.
- Acne and flaky scalp issues usually go away on their own within a few months.
- Washing baby's hair regularly with a mild infant shampoo and brushing out scales with a soft brush may help a flaky scalp.
- Babies less than 3 months of age will tend to cross their eyes, open one eye and not the other, or appear to look in 2 different directions. This is normal in the first 3 months of life.
- Talk to your pediatrician if you are worried about any of these conditions.
Questions You May Have About Weight Gain
- Is my baby gaining enough weight?
- How often should I feed my baby?
Weight Gain Tips
- Newborns usually gain about 5 to 7 ounces a week for the first 1 to 2 months.
- Your baby may grow ½ to 1 inch the first month.
- If your baby is healthy and gaining weight from visit to visit, they should be fine.
- Feed your breastfed baby every 30 to 120 minutes; your formula-fed baby should eat every two hours.
Are you and baby starting to get cabin fever? If the weather is nice, take your baby outside for a stroll. If you go visiting, just ask people to wash their hands before they hold your baby. Your baby will enjoy meeting your friends, and they will certainly enjoy meeting your baby!