Caring for an Infant With a Cows Milk Allergy
What is a Cows Milk Allergy?
Signs to Watch For
Spotting Delayed Reactions
RecognizingSerious Reactions
Diagnosing Cows Milk Allergy
Foods to Avoid
Lactose Intolerance
Colic or Allergy?
Breastfeeding and a Cow's Milk Allergy
Changing Your Diet
Fixing the Formula
Playtime Hazards
Getting Help
The Outlook
1. Kenishirotie / Getty Images
2. DR P. MARAZZI / Science Source
3. saknakorn / Getty Images
4. SimonPRBenson / Getty Images
5. KatarzynaBialasiewicz / Getty Images
6. sergeyryzhov / Getty Images
7. golubovy / Getty Images
8. igabriela / Getty Images
9. Favor_of_God / Getty Images
10. Life in View / Science Source
11. Paperkites / Getty Images
12. Radist / Getty Images
13. psphotograph / Thinkstock
14. michaeljung / Getty Images
15. monkeybusinessimages / Getty Images
Catherine Collins RD
Allergy UK.
Cows' Milk Allergy.
The Anaphylaxis Campaign.
NHS Choices. CMA: “Is it cows' milk allergy?”
NHS Choices: “What should I do if I think my baby is intolerant to cows' milk?”
Allergy UK: “Advice for parents with a new baby: Is my child allergic to cows milk protein?”
NHS Choices: “Anaphylaxis.”
Allergy UK: “Does my child have cows' milk allergy?” “CMA: Which foods contain cows milk protein: Fact sheet.” “How do I know if it's cows' milk allergy or colic?”
Kellymom: “Dairy and other food sensitivities in breastfed babies.”
NHS Choices: “Food Allergy.”
Kellymom: “Dairy and other food sensitivities in breastfed babies.” “What do I feed my baby?”
Allergy UK: “Milk Allergy.”
The Hillingdon Hospitals: “Cows Milk Allergy.” “Visiting the doctor.”
Food reactions: “Milk Allergy.”
Babycenter: “Reflux.”
British Medical Journal: “Managing cows' milk allergy in children.”