Tips for Choosing Your PCP as an Older Adult
Why Picking a Good Doctor Matters
Consider a Geriatrician
Come Up With Questions
Search Based on Your Benefits
Ask Around
Think Outside of the Office
Do a Communications Check
Make a Call
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Show Sources
- Morsa Images / Getty Images
- daizuoxin / Getty Images
- ortonrsx / Getty Images
- Frederic Cirou / Getty Images
- kali9 / Getty Images
- VioletaStoimenova / Getty Images
- SDI Productions / Getty Images
- shapecharge / Getty Images
- Sam Edwards / Getty Images
National Institute on Aging: “How to Choose a Doctor You Can Talk To.”
Johns Hopkins Medicine: “Specialists in Aging: Do You Need a Geriatrician?”
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center: “Steps for Choosing a Primary Care Provider (PCP) and Making an Appointment.”
National Library of Medicine: “Choosing a primary care provider.”
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: “Choosing a Doctor: Quick Tips,” “Guidance and Standards on Language Access Services: Medicare Providers,” “Limited English Proficiency (LEP).”
U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: “Find & compare providers near you,” “Using your new Medicaid or CHIP coverage.”
Annals of Family Medicine: “Medical Interpreters in Outpatient Practice.”
American Academy of Physicians: “Do I Need an Interpreter?”
Harvard Health Publishing: “Why is it so challenging to find a primary care physician?”