About Passwords

Choosing a strong password and keeping it private are two of the most important steps you can take to safeguard the privacy of your information. Since anyone with your username and password can access your account, it is important to ensure the password chosen is strong, unique (not used on other websites) and changed periodically.

To choose a strong password:

  • Passwords on WebMD must be 8 to 16 characters (letter and/or numbers) long and not contain any spaces. Passwords are case sensitive, meaning that capital letters and lowercase letters are treated as different characters. We also recommend incorporating symbols such as %, $, # into your password.
  • You should choose a password that is easy for you to remember but hard for anyone else to guess. Be mindful of your personal information that may be posted on social network sites. The name of your pet or significant other, your birthday, your Zodiac sign are not good choices. Avoid common dictionary words such as "secret", "password" and number combinations such as "12345678" as these are easy to guess.

Strong passwords are long (at least 8 characters), include a mix of upper- and lower-case characters, and contain a combination of letters, numbers and symbols. Some examples:




Once you've chosen a good password, don't share it with others. Memorize your password. If you must write it down, don't keep it out in the open (i.e. on a sticky note attached to your computer monitor). Keep it in a safe place away from your computer.

Don't share your password with others. A person who finds out your password can not only see your personal information, but can also change your preferences and settings on the WebMD site.

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