Broken Nose Treatment

Medically Reviewed by Carol DerSarkissian, MD on March 16, 2024
1 min read

Go to a hospital emergency room or see a health care provider immediately if:

  • You cannot stop the nose from bleeding.
  • The nostril or nasal septum is crooked or out of place.
  • The person has clear drainage from one or both nostrils or a grape-like swelling inside the nose on the septum.
  • Apply ice for pain and swelling.
  • Have the person rest and keep the head elevated even when sleeping.
  • The person should avoid blowing their nose.
  • Give acetaminophen for pain. Do not give NSAIDs such as ibuprofen or aspirin.
  • If the nose is not out of position, rest and home treatment may be all that's needed.
  • If the nose is crooked or it is difficult for the person to breathe through the nose, see a health care provider.

If you see a health care provider, the next steps depend on the particular case:

  • To stop bleeding, the health care provider may pack the nostrils with gauze.
  • For a simple fracture, the health care provider may straighten the nose.
  • Surgery may be needed to move bone or cartilage back in place for a more complicated fracture.