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3.7 Overall Rating


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Most voted positive review

30 People found this comment helpful

I've been taking Flexeril daily for several years. I always take one before bed and only take the other two allowed during the day if my fibro and TMJ pain is really bad. It has helped curb my flareups, allows me to get the sleep I need, and is wonderful!

Most voted negative review

6 People found this comment helpful

I was feeling like I lost my mind. I was extreamly forgetful. I felt like I had early onset Altheimers. By the end of the very first week, I was scaring my friend, who is a medical assistent, as she has known me for quite a while and had never heard me repeat things like I was doing, My grand father had altheimers and I was so frightened that is where I was headed at such an early age. I too mys...

Shared reviews and ratings

jakmak52 | 55-64 | Male | Patient
Condition: Muscle Spasm
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Had a total reverse shoulder and left elbow replacement 4 years ago and was on 30mg MS every 12 hrs for breakthrough pain and 25mcg od Fentanyl for round the clock pain management. I was slowly weaned off with good results. Recently the pain started coming back and I take 10mg Roxicodone without Tylenol with 10mg of Flexeril 3x daily and the results are great !!

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sf36867 | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Muscle Spasm
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I take this for sudden, acute muscle spasms that I get in my back occasionally. It makes me sleepy, but also stops the spasm. I keep 10mg on hand but usually take a half unless the spasm is severe. No other side effects.

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tigerbob60 | 75 or over | Male | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Muscle Spasm
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I am a C-6 (incomplete) spinal cord injury. One dose of the pill is enough to stop my spasms. However, the drug leaves sleepy 24 hours. Use it very sparingly.

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Dailyslacker | 25-34 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Muscle Spasm
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I have bad back spasms and it instantly removes 95 percent of pain.

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commanderrhubarb | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Muscle Spasm
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I have bad arthritis in my neck, and unfortunately have to use the computer a lot which aggravates it and causes muscle spasms throughout my neck and back. I got 3 shots of cortisone at the onset of this condition five years ago, which helped enormously, and was then on a huge amount of oxycodone for 18 months, as well as 30 mg of flexeril daily to calm spasming. I have continued to take the flexeril occasionally (5 mgs x 10 times a week?) for spasming pain and it is a life saver-- when I've overdone it or am tense and in pain, I can take it alone or sometimes in combination with ibuprofen and I can get a good night's sleep. No side effects whatsoever except one good one: it makes me less anxious. Read More Read Less

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Punkin | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Disorder characterized by Stiff, Tender & Painful Muscles
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I was on flexeril for a year for ddd sciatica herniated disk in back and next and bulging disk in neck and back I tried taking flexeril however it made me hurt even worse I felt like I had restless leg syndrome. I spoke with my dr and she said flexeril can cause your bones to weaken it sucks up all the calcium in your body. I would not recommend this to anyone once I spoke with dr she switched me from flexeril to soma and it is a complete 360 turn around. I just want everyone to be cautious you may want to ask your dr about the flexeril and see if they can switched you to soma hope this helps Read More Read Less

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2muchpain | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Muscle Spasm
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use
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travis | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Muscle Spasm
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

i have taken flexeril for my constant back spasms and the only thing good i can say about the drug is that the pill form is easy to take (like all oral medications), thats it. As for effectiveness and satisfaction??? is there a scale lower than 1 star? the medication has done nothing for my back cramps, in fact ibuprofen helped much better than this drug ever has.

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Anonymous | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Disorder characterized by Stiff, Tender & Painful Muscles
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

very helpful , for me actually its the first medication to help me.

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Momma | 55-64 | Female | Patient
Condition: Disorder characterized by Stiff, Tender & Painful Muscles
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

It does not seem to help. Dry mouth with horrible taste is unbearable.

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sparklebilly | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Muscle Spasm
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I used this medication for muscle spasms due to a back injury. I take it before bedtime on a friday because it knocks me out for 2 days. It does work but i only use as a absolute emergency.

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marwas | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Disorder characterized by Stiff, Tender & Painful Muscles
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

While taking this medication for neck stiffness and pain; I discovered it also helped with other muscle spasms. The best side effect for me is that when taking it, I have NO problem with OAB!!

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marymac | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

have had bad back for years this medicine is the best! gets inflammation down and the pain is then gone!!

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iris | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Disorder characterized by Stiff, Tender & Painful Muscles
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

with both Mobic, and flexeril, I have slurred speech, extreme fatigue, hallucinations, depression, also a bad bruising very dry on both ankles. I can see many more veins on my ankle area. with swollen ankles and heel pain. also tingling in my feet. I am concerned

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Anonymous | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Muscle Spasm
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

i have been on this drug for more than ten years off and on. i take it primarily at night and it works wonders overnight on spasmed muscles plus gives me a good nights sleep. i just have to remember to allow eight hours for it to work so i'm not groggy in the am. i have tried methocarbamol, soma etc... and none work like flexeril but i do find the brand name more effective than the generic.

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ksmom | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Muscle Spasm
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I take this medication as needed which is not every day or even every week. But when my muscles spasm in my back, it along with a pain reliever give me relief in as short as 30-45 minutes usually.

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Working Man | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Muscle Spasm
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I find Flexeril 'tops' for killing muscle pain associated with spasm, knots and/or injury. Compared to Valium (which I also have) the Flexeril does a better job for the actual pain & spasm. However, Flexeril does have heavy side effects which could discourage first time users: - Dry mouth and eyes. - A 'tight feeling' of the upper chest & bronchioles (very similar to what a high dose of Benadryl does). - Slightly blurry vision. - A substantial drowsiness which, for me, occurs about 4 hours after taking the dose. It becomes a struggle to stay awake. Definitely never go above the recommended dose - because of the harsh side effects. This isn't a medicine to experiment or play games with.Read More Read Less

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pollywaug | 75 or over | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Muscle Spasm
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I cannot imagine taking it 3 times a day! as once a day left me tired, sleepy, drowsy and dizzy. BUT did help spasm over broken rib area.

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I.Nelson Spfd,MO. | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Disorder characterized by Stiff, Tender & Painful Muscles
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use
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McCool | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Muscle Spasm
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

It lowered all of my pain i was very satisfied with flexeril.

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