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3.6 Overall Rating


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I normally never write on these things, but this medication has worked SO WELL for me, that I wanted to share, in case my comments might help someone who is undecided about Wellbutrin. I have had severe depression for about 10 years. Had been on prozac and effexor before wellbutrin. They both worked, but not even close to how the wellbutrin is helping me! I'm taking 300mg XL per day. I felt ...

Most voted negative review

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i am trying to loose weight to

Shared reviews and ratings

Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Let’s start by saying that, I’ve dealt with my PTSD for about 9 years. I never took anything for it. Just tried to take the natural way out due to being afraid of side effects along with the opinions of other people. I am on day 4 of Wellbutrin and it might be to early to say, but I literally just want to cry tears of joy because this is so unreal. I actually feel grounded, like I am presently here. Not floating away in my thoughts somewhere or needing to be on my phone 24/8 to keep my mind from not wanting to deal with negative emotions. I definitely do still have some intrusive thoughts here and there, but they don’t hurt anymore and I am able to just brush it off within minutes. I don’t dwell on negative thoughts anymore. I haven’t really hit the energy part of it yet, but fair to say I’ve been more energized and motivated than usual. Waking up at 6am and in bed by 8-9pm. I wish I would’ve found or gave this medication a chance a LONG time ago instead of wasting so much time in a fog, horrible memory, angry/irritable all the time because I was always exhausted from all my thoughts. But they say everything is a learning curve and I’m here to tell you to PLEASE give this medication a chance. Read More Read Less

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Trisha | 75 or over | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Anxiousness associated with Depression
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Have been dealing with serious health issues and have just felt overloaded emotionally. Have never taken an antidepressant before. My MD started me on Wellbutrin 75mg. After three weeks I'm coping better with a more positive attitude and ability to cope. Back to energy and ability to cope. It has been a lifesaver for me. I would encourage people to give it a try before stopping the drug as it took 8 weeks for me to feel the full benefit of Wellbutrin.

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Valerie | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Anxiousness associated with Depression
Overall rating 1.3
Ease of Use

This pills didn't even start helping me...I've never felt energy or loss of appetite the majority experience. I had insomnia first 3-4 days. Next I started to have extreme panic attacks, headaches, blood pressure. I felt like I am having a stroke. My brains felt like something was squeezed inside. After one week I happily gave up. The first day was an indicator it is not for me. I should have not pushed through..I am scared to even attempt trying anything else after such bad experience. So I guess I am in 50% of those who had it bad. Maybe it works for you but...apparently it is not for everyone.Read More Read Less

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Alice | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I've been using it for 30+ years. It stops me from dream recall, kills my ability to cry and prevents sexual desire (desirable for me). But I use it mostly to control suicidal thoughts. Additionally, it's the only antidepressant I know that does not cause weight gain. I do get tintinnitus. This should not be used with people who have high anxiety. It increases their anxiety to off the scale. ( learned this when I shared one pill with a friend with high anxiety)

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Alice | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I've been using it for 30+ years. It stops me from dream recall, kills my ability to cry and prevents sexual desire. But I use it mostly to control suicidal thoughts. Additionally, it's the only antidepressant I know that does not cause weight gain.

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Megs | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Anxiousness associated with Depression
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

This has been amazing!! I've been on this a few months now. I'm on 300 mg xl. I have always had aniexty, but I felt tired all the time, brain fog, lack of motivation, zero sex drive, insomnia, etc. Well the first few days I was so so tired. I almost stopped taking it. I called the doc in fact, and they told me just stick with it, the tiredness should go away. Well it did a couple of days later. It did nothing to help with the aniexty component. It didn't make it worse, but it make it better either. However, it definitely helped with everything else! I have energy, I have sex drive back, I sleep better at night. I have even lost some weight! This has been awesome. I still continue taking it for these reasons. I feel like myself again in so many ways. However, now I'm on the search for an anxiety med. I have just started taking Zoloft a month ago, but unfortunately it is starting to undo some of the awesome things Wellbutrin has done for me, so on to the quest of looking for something else in that regard. However this drug has been a life saver. I never thought my life could get back to feeling this good. That being said, I know this affects everyone differently. Read More Read Less

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cellarhope | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Anxiousness associated with Depression
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

Three weeks ago I was like you probably are now- newly prescribed Wellbutrin, scared to take it, and reading reviews because my anxiety made me think information was protection. I was prescribed Wellbutrin after a week of daily panic attacks. Prior to the panic attack week, I had racing thoughts, hopeless, scared I would never recover, feeling like my entire life was imploding, feeling empty and exhausted by my brain. Then I got the prescription, and that gave me another thing to worry about- will I get worse, will I have side effects, will I have more panic attacks? I read horrible reviews and they stuck in my head more than the good ones. I want you to know that you are not alone, and that really and truly, things will be okay. It’s been three and a half weeks. My “side effects” have been the occasional ringing in my ears and feeling like I had drank alot of coffee for the first 3 days. It did not give me a panic attack, and I was having them nearly daily prior to taking it. None of my anxieties about taking the medicine came true. Please keep in mind that the people writing these reviews already have anxiety/depression- they, like so many of us, are already in the mindset of seeing, expecting and believing the worst. I don’t mean to discount anyone’s experience, but please realize that people with these conditions are much more likely to leave a bad review. Anxiety and depression lie to us and make logic seem foolish, and neither of these illnesses want to facilitate your recovery in any way. Your doctor has treated hundreds of people just like you, trust their experience. In the first week, I wanted to blame everything I felt on the meds, I would frantically google every symptom and emotion. I had to force myself to stop, to say if I had a question I would call my doctor but I would NOT google. I am better now, not fully better- but I know I am on the way. It takes 6-8 weeks for full improvement, but the progress I’ve made in 3 weeks makes me believe I will feel fully better soon. I have down moods and cry sometimes still, but I am in much more control of keeping them short and manageable. If negative thoughts come up, I’m able to reason against them. Intrusive and racing thoughts occur less often and are far less powerful. I have hope. I have desire to do things that I know will make me feel better during the funk moods. The reason I’m coming here to write this is because I have found that doing acts of kindness or gratitude make me feel better. This is also what I would want to tell myself three weeks ago. I want to hug you and promise you that things will be okay. You will wake up and feel ready for the day, you will walk your dog and notice how pretty the sunset is or how nice the breeze feels. You will come up with new ideas, new things to do, things to cook, new ways to arrange your room, and they will make you so excited. You will be able to day dream a future of positivity, growth and overcoming instead of a future of dread. Your brain will heal and your happiness will return, I promise you. Take your meds, trust your doctor, do something every day (no matter how small, no matter how much you don’t feel like it) that you know will make you feel better when it’s done. Your anxiety and depression are lying to you- you have everything you need to conquer this. Read More Read Less

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Barbie | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Anxiousness associated with Depression
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I was prescribed Wellbutrin for anxiety and panic attacks. The first day I felt a little jittery and had a headache. The second day more anxious easily aggravated and my anxiety intensified. The third day extreme anxiety and panic attack. I quit taking it the fourth day and switched to Lexapro. Hopefully it will be a better fit. Wellbutrin was a horrible experience.

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Shirley | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

This started working for me quite quickly. After 1st week, I was motivated to do things, vacuum, clean windows, sweep and cleanup outdoors... a happy camper. However, the dry mouth, especially at night is getting to be intolerable. Also, by accident, at a doctor's appointment, my blood pressure was checked and it was high. I have always had low blood pressure. Decided to check the side effects of this medication. High blood pressure and, yikes, hair loss. About 2 weeks in my hair started falling out. I don't know yet what I am going to do... I really like how this drug makes me feel.Read More Read Less

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Light | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I said if this worked for me I would post a review. I was afraid to ask for help for so long and simply letting myself drown. I felt worthless. I'm not saying this is an endgame fix, but it very nearly is. The first couple of weeks I didn't really know if it was working or if it was a placebo, but after months I've noticed how much more stable I am. It is easier to control my emotions, I respond better to triggers, and I am grateful for my life. That was exactly what I wanted from treatment, I wanted to make the baseline of my emotions higher, because my baseline was so extraordinarily low, and this is exactly what it did. I'm more stable, calm, and present. It's easier to focus and easier to function, I am more social and being able to see clearer enabled me to stand up for myself even more, and finally develop self-respect. It's also easier to wake up in the morning and get going. No more laying there dreading the idea of having to see people. I am much more sociable. It didn't exactly give me my life back, since I never knew what was wrong with me in the first place. It gave me a brand new one, but it takes work from both yourself and the meds to get there, meds just make it a little easier. It also helped me quit nicotine. Read More Read Less

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William Shannon | 55-64 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month |
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

Have just started taking (1 week) for depression brought on by job loss and financial problems. Love reading all the other experiences. I wish you all the best. Only effect I feel so far is dry mouth. I am hoping this works for me. I have never had this problem and would like to get back to a normal life.....God bless !

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WillM | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Major Depressive Disorder
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

During Covid, and being in isolation by myself (and cat and dog). Starting a new job after a hard-hit layoff, and was in a process of decommissioning old and unhealthy relationships and circles of friends. I found myself quite alone. The new job peers didn't seem to take too well of me for at least a year. So I struggled with isolation in different ways. I eventually had to seek medical help as I was going down very fast and felt if I didn't do anything, then my lifeboat would have flipped completely over. So the struggle was on. For the first time, I used my health insurance, to the degree of finding everything I had put off thinking would get better someday, and went to work with the doctors. First, my hormone levels were low, then my blood pressure was spiking. Got those balanced out. But I have Ruminating and intrusive thoughts that were complicating my flow of mental energy and eventually the twitches were causing muscle pains as I couped with the Anxiety. So the doctor had me try Prozac, starting light at 10mg and eventually to 40mg. The more the increase the more depressed I got, and agitated, it started to seem like it was causing me manic depression, which I was not like before Prozac. So the doctor added in Wellbutrin, and within days I was feeling good. So now I am diagnosed with GAD and MDD. The Wellbutrin knocked out so much of the depression that I am able to be assertive and clear-headed. I cut the Prozac down to 20mg, and may go to 10mg soon. I feel Prozac had the most intense side effects. Also, I am in Therapy, which has helped to clear my mind and thinking and help me get back to being organized. There is much more work to be done, but now I can sort through the chaos my life was going into and clear the way back to a more balanced life.Read More Read Less

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Ryan | 19-24 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Anxiousness associated with Depression
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

Been taking it for over four weeks, seems to have made my anxiety worse, my depression is increased to the point where it’s the worst I’ve ever been, and I’ve been suicidal before beginning at the age of 7. This has given me fevers, sweating, horrible insomnia that melatonin couldn’t fix, headaches daily, etc. All this for zero benefit on my mental health and anxiety/depression. Absolutely horrendous drug that only made everything worse.

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Jo | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

Started Bupropion 150 mg. after Venlafaxine stopped working after the last few years of it helping quite a bit. Bupropion was NOT for me. After 8 weeks, I was more depressed and in darkness I did not want to be in. No ambition. Couldn’t get out to do things I would normally love to do. I stopped taking it and feel so much better. I’m going to try and stay off all meds. Stopped Gabapentin too. It wasn’t helping the pain for my Fibromyalgia after years of taking it. I decided, for me, the risks and side effects from prescription meds was not worth the outcome. I do take Ajovy injections for migraines as they work 100% for me. Now, it’s vitamins, Turmeric, magnesium etc. good luck to all fighting for any kind of relief in their lives. Keep trying and find what’s best for you. Read More Read Less

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Anxiety | 25-34 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

I've been taking Wellbutrin for about 2 weeks now. Pros: more energy/motivation, less anxiety, I sleep well, really high sex-drive, less racing thoughts. Cons: Weird dreams, my throat feels tight all the time, skin discolouration (maybe related).

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Anna | 19-24 | Transgender | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I've been taking this for probably almost a year now, and it is a LIFE SAVER. I can't overstate how well this medication works for me, and I'm thankful for it every day. I was scared to start antidepressants my whole life, and we tried prozac first, which didn't work for me (made me hypo-manic.) Then, my doctor put me on Wellbutrin and thank goodness she did. I don't really experience any side effects other than appetite loss, which honestly is a good thing for me because I've struggled with binge eating disorder and it's worked wonders for that too (in combination with a therapy group.) I haven't lost a ton of weight, maybe 10 lbs, but that wasn't my main goal. The first thing I noticed is my focus was so much better. It has almost completely gotten rid of serious emotional outbursts and meltdowns/suicidal thoughts and actions that I used to experience at least once a month, particularly the week before my period (I likely have PMDD, which my psychiatrist is treating by increasing my dose from 150mg to 300 the week before my period, and it's helped a lot.) I remember when I started taking it, I noticed I felt emotions again instead of just feeling numb all the time — I listened to a beautiful song I love and actually felt moved by it for the first time in years. I felt love and compassion for those around me instead of just bitterness. It has definitely been a life changer and I hope I never have to go off of it (: everyone's body works differently, but I suggest giving it a try!Read More Read Less

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Lucana | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

Started taking this medication about 4 months ago to treat my anxiety. Initial dose of 150 mg didn’t quite work for me. So after a month, I went up to 300 mg. And I have never taken any anxiety meds before, so I have nothing to compare this to. By my anxiety started to affect me physically, which is why I decided to give this a try. This medication seems to be working for me. I am finally not overthinking everything, back to my calm and cheery demeanor. I always had a laid back personality and it was hard to get me imbalanced and riled up. Anxiety sure changed that for me. Started working out again. Initially, I did have a bad case of dry mouth, but then it went away. Some people mention irritability and aggression as a side effect, however, I was able to pinpoint that I usually get that way when I am hungry, which might not be a medication side effect at all. Unlike other anti-depressants, this one does not make you go on binge eating streaks, and can cause some weight loss as a result, which is why it’s more important to remember to eat your 3 meals or just snack throughout the day. Same thing with hand tremor. Initially, when I noticed it, it freaked me out. It wasn’t obvious at all, but my hands were jittery. And only I could tell. Come to realize once again, it happens when I’m hungry or haven’t eaten in a while. It did not inhibit my libido even one bit. And luckily, haven’t gotten any side effect while drinking alcohol. However, my consumption is relatively limited: once every week or two weeks. I’m not an avid drinker. I was also told this can cause an insomnia, so I just take it early in the morning right after I am awake and haven’t had any problems with going to sleep. Been getting my 8-9 hours of sleep each night. Read More Read Less

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Chispy | 25-34 | Male | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

So I started this medication for my ADHD as it is know to be helpful. I made it through the initial first weeks of getting use to being in your own skin feeling again. Super weird. But I continued on. After some time of taking 2 doses daily I was very agitated and angry which is uncommon for me so often. I dropped down to one dose and even switch to night to maybe help with the agitation and so I could have it in my system for the benefits of helping with my ADHD and probably depression because of the uncontrolled ADHD. Well I'm at a place now that I think I should not be on this medication. My other ADHD specific medication seems to be actually helping and the other symptoms have been subsiding. My journey has been helpful but difficult and questionable at times with Welbutrin. Unfortunately watch out for irritability, anger, and other side effects like this that seem to be common on this drug. Read More Read Less

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Rachel | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Anxiousness associated with Depression
Overall rating 2.7
Ease of Use

Pros: -helped with depression -gave me energy -lost weight -helped with ADHD -High libido Cons -IRRITABILITY AND ANGER -high heart rate (resting heart rate would be until the 100’s) -made me feel like I had a constant UTI -made my anxiety worse There are the pros but honestly I hated the side effects. I’m an easy going person, but on this med, everyone and everything made me go off. As little if someone yawned in front of me, I absolutely couldn’t handle it (it was so weird and I knew I was being mean but couldn’t stop myself.) It helped me lose 10 pounds because I gained so much on SSRI’s, but this made my anxiety worse so I added buspar. I could focus so well, and got a lot of work done while taking it. I stopped taking it due the people around me getting tired of being angry all the time. I definitely had more energy, but it wasn’t worth ruining relationships. Read More Read Less

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Joyce | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Stop Smoking
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

It made me anxious and angry and I wanted to kill someone

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