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3.9 Overall Rating


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If an alcoholic ever wished for a "magic pill" to get rid of drinking, this is 99.9% it (in injection form). I've taken it once a month for 7 months and despite wanting to drink and drinking every hour of every day, I've been sober for 7 months and counting. This medication does two things for me. It takes away the craving & need to drink and, if I DO succumb and start to drink, I get no buzz, no ...

Most voted negative review

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I have never been so close to death since I have had the vivitrol shot!

Shared reviews and ratings

dostigres | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Before my Gastric Bypass 10 yrs ago. I was sooo big there was no amount of alcohol that could lay me out. I was almost 400 lbs so Booze was never a problem for me, as I was a food addict, not an alcoholic. Since then after losing 150lbs I became a nightly blackout crazed drunk. My addiction unwittingly "transferred" to alcohol, my life became a wasteland as I tried to self-medicate my internal pain. I was on the verge of losing my job and as a last resort got myself to AA. A meeting a day for 3 yrs HELPED but still no total cure. I got myself onto outpatient rehab where the doctor prescribed Vivitrol. It was an absolute Godsend. But the effects started to wane after two glorious weeks of feeling completely NORMAL. I was on Vivitrol alone with personal counseling for 7 months when the doctor thought adding Camporal to help with the times the Vivitol wore off. I now feel I have my life back and under control. We need the AA for learning how to deal with our lives and how we got here from there. We need professional counseling to help heal our inner shame and the need to escape our lives. We need God to heal our souls and the need these wonder drugs for the rocket lift off into sobriety. There is help out there for us if we seek it. Addiction is a horrible disease. I now feel released from my pain and hope you can escape yours too. God bless.Read More Read Less

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Rogue | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

If an alcoholic ever wished for a "magic pill" to get rid of drinking, this is 99.9% it (in injection form). I've taken it once a month for 7 months and despite wanting to drink and drinking every hour of every day, I've been sober for 7 months and counting. This medication does two things for me. It takes away the craving & need to drink and, if I DO succumb and start to drink, I get no buzz, no relaxation, no familiar euphoric lift. All I feel is the PHYSICAL response to alcohol, which makes me tired, hot, & uncoordinated, none of which is pleasant. The MENTAL response is similar to drinking water (that burns on the way down) and getting a little confused. In other words, while using Vivitrol, there is no point in drinking because there is no reward, no buzz, no euphoria. And no craving. You find other rewarding things to do. I felt no side effects. I sleep and eat better because I was sober. After 7 months of sobriety I am doing things that I've planned on doing my whole life, but didn't have the time because I lived in the pleasant, but destructive, limbo of inebriation.Read More Read Less

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nikkikaps | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Prevention of Opiate Drug Abuse
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I am 35 years old had an addiction to heroin and vivitrol saved my life!!!!!! I personally think its wonderful and suggest it to anyone who wants to be clean.

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warren | 25-34 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

i feel tired and sleepy, have loss of appetite

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Anonymous | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

Drank almost every day. Cant/dont want to drink anything when I take this shot.

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Anonymous | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

shot works great.Wonder Drug!!!!been a month, cravings are rare and disappear quickly. tried to drink to see what would happen. It tasted weird, I felt weird and poured it out. don't know yet if insurance will pay for it but it is a life saver. Do be careful when anesthetics are used by Dr, or Dentist. Make sure they know you are on the drug.My face went numb once from an injection in my hip. My Dr. told me to wear a medical alert tag. I didn't and I should have.

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Wrhvivitrol | 35-44 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I was a frequent "slip-er" regarding alcohol use. I asked my Dr. about a drug possibility and he recommended Vivitrol. After some wrangling to get my insurance to cover it (which they do) I took it for 3 months (3 injections) along with counseling and involvement in AA and I am feeling great with very little craving. My craving happens when I am in unhealthy places, there are no cravings at other times. No side effects except for a little ache at injection site which lasts a couple hours.

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NoToVivitrol!!! | 19-24 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

First and foremost, use extreme caution and examine the pros/cons of taking this drug!! I got a DUI while home on break from college and was court-ordered to attend an IOP program. While in the program, Vivitrol was explained to us as "the best treatment option". As I had just turned 21, I really didn't believe I had a problem with drinking. I would go out on a friday, and maybe a saturday, to the bars with some friends. I rarely got sloppy drunk (unlike most of the other college students). I would got to restaurants or sit down for dinner and have a beer or a glass of wine and that's it. But somehow my family found out about Vivitrol from my IOP instructor and suggested I get the shot. I said no problem, as I couldn't drink on probation anyways. I couldn't tell if it did anything since I never experienced "cravings". I'm still not sure what they are and the only thing I can compare it to is nicotine craving since I'm a smoker, but was told they are different. I never drank on it either so I can't say if it helps with that either. Now for the very serious part. 2 weeks after my 2nd month injection, I was seriously burned in a house fire. It was the worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life!! I've severely broken bones (i.e. arm cracked and was at a 30 degree angle or so instead of straight), had my wisdom teeth pulled, dislocated shoulders from sports, etc. While in the ambulance they asked me to rate my pain from 1 to 10. I've rated my pain before and even when I snapped my arm I still didn't say 10. I said, and I quote, "F'ing 20!!" while crying my eyes out. They injected my IV with Fentanyl. No relief. At the ER they saw I was in so much pain, they injected another, larger, dose of fentanyl. Nothing. 10 minutes later, they injected another dose of Fentanyl. Pain went from 20 to a 15 (still on a scale of 10...). After 1 more shot of fentanyl, and an addition shot of Dilaudid, I finally stopped crying (pain rated at 10). HORRIBLE!!!Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Prevention of Opiate Drug Abuse
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I am in my twenties and have been an opiate addict particularly oxycontin and roxicodone for over ten years turning this typical all-american girl into your average everyday criminal. I've been through inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, in-patient again name it. Vivitrol has saved my life!! I went in to take my first injection using( I thought I had been through this withdrawal thing before) within a half-hour I was violently vomiting every couple minutes there is no other sick, withdrawal, childbirth that could even parallel. I ended up in the ER several hours later which I should have went directly. I had several medications administered by IV, including a large dose of ativan. The Dr. Would not even tell my family for sure if I was even going to make it. The next month was a complete blur lost 20 pounds. (I was a size 8 when I took the injection) eventually I gained back strength and was honestly angry that I could no longer use (I tried) then realizing...this really is INSANE. After around my second injection I was in agreement not rolling my eyes when it's said that it's a gift from God. After 4 injections I don't know if I will ever stop taking it. I'm not sure if it is the injection but I have experienced much nausea, headache, dry mouth, increased anxiety which is so minimal compared to any day using. Any addicts skeptical? Just try it and work a program even if it's one month. It has changed my life!!!Read More Read Less

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person197 | 25-34 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I had been taking Naltrexone 50MG oral for a while until I discovered if I just stopped taking it when I wanted to drink, I would drink again. This would lead to a binge. I sought out Vivitrol since it would not allow me to have the choice. The shot was almost painless! I didn't have any nausea just a little drowsiness. I haven't had any desire for a drink just yet!

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Scott | 45-54 | Male | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I've taken Vivitrol for 18 months, along w/ AA and psych. therapy. No desire to drink, no side-effects and a very happy LIFE!. Strange thing, when a craving for drink enters my mind, it's swept away instantly. I'm part of survey, hope it helps someone else. Incredible.

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serenitynow | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Prevention of Opiate Drug Abuse
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

I have been free from Opiates for 17 months,However my physician felt I would benefit from receiving this IM Injection.I have not had any cravings for Alcohol or Opiates.However after each injection I expereince PAIN at injection site and MUSCLE and SEVERE JOINT PAIN.I will no longer be receiving the injections but continue my meetings,therapy,etc.

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tinatina | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

good in blocking alcohol cravings, but major nausea and vertigo

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Anonymous | 35-44 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Seems to work better for me than oral naltrexone (probably because I don't wash it down with liquor). Only complaint is the golf ball in my ass for four days after injection.

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rlpetroff | 35-44 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Prevention of Opiate Drug Abuse
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

I have oromandibular dystonia and I have noticed that when I recieved the injection vivitrol that it really brought out the spasms in my mandibular area that are attributed to my focal dystonia. I have not had any problems for the past fifteen years up until I recieved this injection. Is it possible that the vivitrol IM is interfering with the same area of my brian that is dysfunctioning as far as my dystonia is concerned?

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Anonymous | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I was a binge drinker for years.Drank pints of vodka 4/5 nights a week.Started intensive outpatient program.I had my first shot 3 weeks ago.Shot did not hurt,No side effects.No desire to drink.Checked to see if it works.Did feel a little buzz.Was told it was because I drank 3 days before my injection.Do not drink for 7/10 days before injection.Woman for Sobriety is my support system.(For women only)

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Male | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Shot barely hurts if done right - it's only once a month anyways. Totally amazing results with me. It's usually only given for a year. I strongly suggest getting counseling/AA support to supplement Vivitrol. People don't drink too much for no reason, the only way to stop forever is to fix your head as well.

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Williams2626 | 25-34 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

The shot hurts like a mother! This is why I gave it two stars for ease of use. However, you only have to get the shot once a month which is good. It is a pain in the ass...literally! However, it WORKS which is the important thing. The first day I came home, I had no urge to drink. I had been drinking daily about 10 beers a night and I came home after the shot and could literally take or leave the been that was in the fridge...I left it!

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polyester | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Prevention of Opiate Drug Abuse
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

This med works pretty good. But when you first get the shot, it's hell. It will IMMEDIEATELY dump the rest of the opiates and put you through detox. I started treatment in the hospital and wished I could have stayed until I was through (5-9) days. Make sure you have a great support system when you start this program.

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cheree | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Habit of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

The drug was almost impossible to get approved by my insurance then to get administered by my Doctor!!! The injection site swelled up and has gotten bigger, harder, and wider every week for the last 5 weeks. Worse, the medication does not seem to be working at all! The only reason I stopped taking Naltrexone orally was due to serious stomach irritation. But at least that form of the drug was effective. Additionally, I am more depressed, experiencing violent episodes of anger, my sleep has been more disturbed than in years, and my appetite has increased. My lower back pain and all over joint pain is increased. I wish I could get this stuff out of me! I strongly caution anyone thinking to use this medication!!!!!Read More Read Less

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