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3.8 Overall Rating


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Most voted positive review

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I have been taking this generic form of Celexa for ten years, next month. I was hesitant about getting on any mood med, but it has helped me tremendously. I am here writing this review... that's the point, I'm here. Diagnosed with major depression at 19, I was prescribed this pill by my family physician after several doctors visits relating to depression and its toll on my mind and body. It took m...

Most voted negative review

30 People found this comment helpful

My doctor prescribed me 20mg Citalopram for depression. After a few weeks, there was some improvement, but I felt the drug helped my anxiety more than the depression. The dose was increased to 40mg. Still felt "lopsided", in that the anxiety was under control but not the depression. This drug clouded my judgement, as I said some things and felt like I put my foot in my mouth! Very embarrassin...

Shared reviews and ratings

Citalopram | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

I still have depression. But, usually less intense. Been on it for about 2 years after being on and trying every anti-depressant on the market. I have PTS bad. The pills didnt seem to help with that. My doctor prescribed a little Marijuana for at night. Now I sleep like a baby. Still have some anxiety and depression but these two drugs combined have changed my life!

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Stacey | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Repeated Episodes of Anxiety
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Citalapram has literally been a life saver for me. Since my teens I've had very bad anxiety mixed with bouts of depression, as I got older it got worse. Tried different antidepressants nothing worked then my Uncle mentioned he was on Citalapram and it worked for him, so i requested if i could try that. I take 20mg been on it last couple of years now and i no longer feel anxious on a daily basis like i did before, i feel more relaxed less worried about everything, i can go out and do things which before i couldn't do because the crippling anxiety would stop me. I would not be able to live my life as i want without this medication. Read More Read Less

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Connie | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Major Depressive Disorder
Overall rating 5.0
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Gosh where to start, in 2015 i had a very traumatic experience. I was in therapy for 7 years bounced from one med to another. Tried committing suicide 3 times. I have major depression, anxiety, PTSD. Just in the last few weeks i was put on the medication 10 mg a day; i swear by day 4 i was like what has happened i was happier not wanting to bite someones head off. I thought there is no way this medicine has kicked in that fast. So i searched reviews and was so glad i wasn't the only one. I can go out in public without fear of running into anyone. I have virtually no outbursts. Im thrilled and amazed at the same time. My daughter who i live with has said a few times mom you seem so much better. I will continue to take this medication for as long as it continues to help. I feel like my old self again, even though im not sure what the old me felt like. I will recommend this medication to anyone who suffers from depression and anxiety. Read More Read Less

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Nicole | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I went on these to help ease fits of rage and depression which I had no clue it was caused by hormonal imbalances. First it was recommended for me to go on the pill for my health which made me feel suicidal and depressed, it was terrible! So I stopped taking those. Then I was prescribed with this antidepressant and wow, does it work!! The only down side is, you get diarrhea for the first two weeks, and if you on it for too long, it will zap all the energy out so you must take breaks when your body starts to feel fatigue, it's a cue to ween off it. Also, if you are on it too long you will get headrushes which is also a cue to come off them. But wow, overall my experience was great! You get vivid dreams too, nice dreams. It makes you calm, relaxed, no negative thoughts. Just don't go on these if you take other medication that might conflict, check first! Otherwise, it's a 9/10 (I rated 9 because of side effects, which are minor tbh)Read More Read Less

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Loretta | 75 or over | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Caregiver
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 5.0
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I am 85 years old, and had some things to really be depressed about. Doc gave me a few days worth of Xanax, told me I couldn't stay on it, also prescribed Citalopram 10mg and told me I should stay on it for a long time. Told me it would take a while for it to take effect. when I stopped taking Xanax after 4 or 5 days, I guess this had taken effect because I started feeling great, and still do after about a month and a half. It just costs me four dollars and something at Walmart. I would pay a whole lot more if I had to. Read More Read Less

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Seana | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 1.0
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Biomedical Science graduate experience (medical observations I made whilst on citalopram): I started taking citalopram at nearly 20 years old. I had on and off depression since aged 12 due to bullying and parental addiction, but my ex cheating on me in second year of university was the “tip of the iceberg”. I finally caved in and decide to give antidepressants a try, and was put on 20mg Citalopram. Looking back, this somehow dragged the heartache on for nearly 2 years, and I wasn’t able to move on with my life until I stopped taking them. I started in February 2022, and didn’t sit my second year university exams in May 2022, pushing them forward to August ‘22 and scoring in the 40’s and 50’s when I usually score higher. I lost all motivation for university. Come final year, I never went to lectures, I was so unbearably fatigued, I was only alert for about 7 hours a day before fighting sleep. In about December 2022 I experienced OCD behaviours, including “intrusive thoughts” for the first time, which deeply disturbed me and made me feel like I was losing my mind. I failed my final year exams, I struggled severely with my dissertation progress throughout the year, and my sexual libido was completely gone. In August ‘23, after watching all my peers graduate, and noting the severe fatigue, weight gain (from a much slower metabolism since starting- gained over 2 stone in one year), OCD behaviours and emotional numbness, I decided to stop, to focus on my repeat exams. This time, unlike other previous attempts at withdrawing, I finally pushed through the severe withdrawal symptoms; active suicidal thoughts, paranoia, severe anxiety and depression. I “cold-turkey” quit them (sudden and not graduate withdrawal) and found I still lacked the motivation for exams I once had before taking these, as well as have the energy I once had. After a couple of months however I got my “personality” back. I was no longer numb to emotions, which can actually mirror depression and unconsciously keep you in a depressive state for much longer than usual. My “baseline” depression prior to taking anti depressants never included active suicidal thoughts. I noticed withdrawals from antidepressants cause a dip that is much worse than the “original baseline” of depression (prior to medication). It was frightening. The one thing antidepressants did help me with was hyperhydrosis (cold sweats) from anxiety. It also prevented me from over-reacting with anger to situations. It was like there was an “angel on my shoulder” defending the person I was mad at and helped me see reason and realise when I was in the wrong or over-reacting to a situation. Fast forward a few months post-quitting citalopram, my metabolism is working properly again, I’m losing weight naturally, hyperhydrosis is completely gone (which I struggled with for about 4 years prior to medication). Sexual libido never returned to normal but isn’t necessarily gone. My anger has returned. But despite this, I also experience happiness in a way antidepressants didn’t allow. Life if full of ups and downs, but antidepressants just gave me bleak nothingness. No real emotion; which includes severe happiness. I finally laughed and danced again, sang to songs in the car, my “ups” are so worth the slight anger I may have noticed, and the depression has most certainly subsided. Like I said, that “nothingness” can be mistaken by the brain as “I feel low/ depressed today.” I also passed my exams (barely) and am graduating this December. I will never look back at antidepressants, and would never advise them to anybody. Read More Read Less

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Honestly Yours | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years |
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 3.0
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As I am close to 65, the side effects from this drug are harder and harder to tolerate. Even taking 10 mg. very early in the morning has made me feel very tired, so much so that it is hard to function during the day. I take it mostly in the wintertime, as I suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Nowadays, I am taking more herbal supplements and vitamin supplements to handle my anxiety/depression. They work a lot better, with less adverse side effects.

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m | 13-18 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

doc gave to me while i was anorexic?? it made me more constipated + didn't work as intended. did nothing. my anorexia got worse and experienced suicidal thoughts so much while on this med.

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Kelly | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: "Change of Life" Signs
Overall rating 2.0
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Omg I have never felt so poorly in my life. Was put on 10mg of citalopram as going through peri menopause, felt very anxious and was having heart palpitations. The side effects were brutal nausea, lack of appetite, felt extremely anxious, heart pounding constantly and the insomnia was out of this world I don’t think I had slept properly for 2 weeks, couldn’t take anymore of feeling like this so just stopped the tablets, within days my mood had lifted, my appetite back was more like myself, had an appointment with the doctor after the 2 weeks of being on citalopram and said I was obviously producing too much serotonin in my body naturally and taking the citalopram was effectively overloading me with too much. I understand this can work for a lot of people who need it but for me it was the worse pill I could take. Read More Read Less

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Karr | 35-44 | Male | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Repeated Episodes of Anxiety
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I was diagnosed with anxiety after finding out I have a rare heart condition, my anxiety got out of hand when I thought I could deal with it, It didn't help I read up about all the side effects with this medicine which made things worse. After taking it, it was rough, had side effects of panic attacks worse than ever, it took around 3 weeks for them to go away fully and boy was the wait worth it. I no longer get anxious in groups of people, I am much more outgoing and my social and work life has improved drastically. The only side effect I still get is I get a little more tired easier and delayed orgasm, which... I mean I'm not complaining about that part nor is my wife ????Read More Read Less

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Colin | 25-34 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

Taking Antidepressants or any form of medication can always be scary as all bodies react differently. I suffer from Depression, anxiety and intrusive thoughts. I have been on sertraline before but i wanted to try something different so was prescribed Citalopram. first 2-3 weeks were the worst as your body needs to get used to the drug in your system. After 4 weeks i do feel better and after 8 weeks i feel much better. I feel like my old self again. There are days where i feel down and the odd intrusive thought but this drug really has helped me live a normal life. NO drug will ever get rid of your problems completely, but they will help reduce your symptoms and not consume your mind. Remember you are not alone, good luck with your journey and remember.. Give Citalopram at least 8 weeks and if you do not feel better, speak to your GP. Read More Read Less

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Yani | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I'd tried Praxil, it was ok but others claimed my sweat stunk. Then Effexor SNRI and that made me anxious. I started taking citalopram 15 y ago. It's by far the best of these 3 with a better profile if you miss a dose. Note: Scientology hate mental health drugs. You should be a spectical of 1 star reviews as this is a know activity of Scientologists. And from I read here, pretty poor writers making insane claims that are deliberately negative and pretty clearly over the top. I know 5 people taking this drug, it's a cognitive enhancer and it has assisted all 5 of us to make better life choices. Read More Read Less

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Natalie_Yeats | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Repeated Episodes of Anxiety
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

I was prescribed 10 mg of citalopram and it sat on my dresser for 2 weeks. I was afraid to take it. Finally, I decided that things just couldn't get any worse, why not just try it and STOP if there was no improvement? Now I'm at the 3 week point. I never had any horrible side effects, just some dry mouth, waking up about an hour earlier than the alarm, and sometimes my heart will feel like it's pounding. My anxiety is 90 percent gone. I take this pill when the dr advised: around 6pm (because I have other medications and I need to space things out). Everyone's experience is different, but if you and your dr have determined that this might help you, it's worth a try.Read More Read Less

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Rose | 65-74 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Repeated Episodes of Anxiety
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

After over a year on 20mg I have recently ( with no withdrawal effects whatsoever) started on 10mg. I intend to gradually ease off of it, despite it being really, really helpful. I had major stress with life trauma, hence l could not sleep more than two hours a night, lost weight and couldn’t go out of the house - it was horrific. My doctor, helped me even though it was only by phone calls, and suggested an anti depressant. I did feel, as he had warned me , that l may feel unpleasant for the first few days. Yes, l did, but after a few days l started to feel normal as l was able to sleep! I gained my confidence back, sleep like a log, 7 or 8 hours a night ( Sleep Station ) my doctor put me in touch with them online - and am generally okay. So I would say thanks to my doctor and to the treatment that worked! I do try to stay strong and as a senior keep moving and busy. Walk every day See friends. Exercise Watch re runs of comedy on iPlayer Hope Respect all life Eat healthily Don’t let my stomach be a graveyard for animals !! Read More Read Less

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Carol | 55-64 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Panic Disorder
Overall rating 1.0
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Felt like acid was being poured into my body, tremors , shaking, feeling cold, shivering , heightened anxiety, severe muscle ache and weakness

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Craig | 25-34 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Panic Disorder
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

Every year or so I have chronic spells of panic disorder. These usually last for 4/5 months but are at there peak from a month to 3 months. My main symptom is dizziness which makes me afraid to do even the most simple of tasks, in fear of passing out. Even a simple 1 to 1 conversation can have me fighting to stay conscious. Anyway, citalopram. Currently on my second spell with this medication and here's my experience. On 10mg, Days 1 and 2, really sick, could hardly eat. Days 3 and 4, borderline unbearable. Felt so dizzy it was a struggle to even go to the toilet. From around a week the side effects slowly started to pass but the anxiety was alot higher than it was before medication. After around 2 weeks the heightened anxiety passed and I was feeling similar to how I was pre medication. Between weeks 2 and 3, I started to notice I felt more calm, my eating had picked up and my mind was racing. I was no longer pre meditating the worst outcome in every situation, though I was still getting the odd moment of unnecessary anxiety. Dr decided to move me up to 20mg. I was fearful at first, because the side effects were so severe on 10mg and I had to take time off work. I've been on 20mg for a week now and I feel like I'm getting closer to being my old self again, and as an added bonus, absolutely no side effects at all from the upping of dosage. All these feelings are very similar to the 1st time I took citalopram. They make you feel disgusting to begin with, even I wanted to stop after a few days despite knowing from before that this was normal and that it would help me in the long run. Give it a chance. This pill helps me when I'm at my lowest and I plan on staying on it alot longer this time. Book a few weeks off work, don't make any plans at all and ride out the storm. It will get better, I promise. Good luck to everyone fighting mental illness, it really is hard and I hope you find peace soon.Read More Read Less

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MissJ | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more |
Condition: Posttraumatic Stress Syndrome
Overall rating 5.0
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I went on citalaptam in 2009. My daughter had died in 2006 and I had a nervous breakdown. I was having panic attacks, constant anxiety and depression. I spent 3 years spiraling downhill in denial until I was out in Citalaptam. I actually remember the day I became normal again… it took about 5 days to work and I had taken the kids to a birthday party. Usually I could only handle being anywhere for a short time before I became maniac and would have other things I needed to do. On this day I actually sat down and was able to let the kids play without thinking something terrible was going to happen. Over the last 16 years the dose has slowly increased from 10mg up to 40mg. It has started to wear off again now and im a little panicked as this drug has been my lifeline. Read More Read Less

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Jerry | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 5.0
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After 10 years Lexapro stop working so I try Vellaflaxene up 250 mg no improvement anxiety right when I wake up took week from work because I couldn’t function I lost 20 pounds then I tried citalopram took about a month I felt better so from 20 MG I bumped to 30 MG lifesaver don’t be afraid of switching meds I wake up with that anxiety and you can drink small amount of alcohol with this and you don’t wake up next day like a zombie this is my first review of any drug because it worked I want to share it with everyoneRead More Read Less

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Kaz | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 5.0
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I have been on citalopram for 4 months and they are brilliant had a few side-effects making me sick the doctor suggested taking it with my evening meal which I did and now I haven’t looked back with them I was pretty bad before taking the tablets couldn’t sleep couldn’t get to work and now I can do all those things again

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Timothy | 35-44 | Male | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Depression
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Citalopram SAVED MY LIFE! I suffered many years from depression and anxiety. I tried everything you can think of before medication. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and associated techniques helped me survive but Citalopram helps me thrive. You have to be patient with dosing and allowing the medication to work. With virtually zero side effects, I can only say this drug was an answer to my prayers, a miracle. I was on it from 2017 - 2021 and felt so good that I thought I could wean myself off. After a few months off the medication, I once again felt hopeless, tired, and lost all motivation to enjoy life. The smallest of tasks, like getting up in the morning, were harder to complete than climbing Mt. Everest. Thankfully, I knew I had to go back on Citalopram and I did. I am once again living my best life. Thank you God! Read More Read Less

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