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3.4 Overall Rating


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Most voted positive review

87 People found this comment helpful

In general, this was an easy to use and effective treatment. Although it goes in as a clear gel, I did notice some white cream-like residue when I wiped in the mornings and throughout the day following the bedtime treatment. Surprisingly, I did not experience a lot of moisture and drainage from the gel during the day, but I did wear a mini pad for general protection during the treatment.

Most voted negative review

17 People found this comment helpful

I have been dealing with reaccurrant BV for over a decade. The BV starts after having a new sex partner or your partner being a lady. One thing I know for sure is the pills are better but taste terrible and takes your taste buds and flips them and thereâ??s a metallic after taste. The gel on the other hand is more irritating and completely wipes out good vaginal flora so your left with a nasty yea...

Shared reviews and ratings

Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Vaginosis caused by Bacteria
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I am not yet done with this medication but can share my experience so far. I just got bv for the first time. my symptoms were itchy, swollen and just overall pain. I also noticed a cyst like bump that they thought was a bartholin cyst. After.a week of symptoms getting worse and I started to notice a smell and discharge I went in for an appointment. At time of apppointment I also ran a fever of 100.2. Results were consistent with bv and i was given the 5 day metro gel at bed time. The first 3 nights I felt cramping and just overall uncomfortable. I am now on day 5 of the gel and I have noticed the white chunky discharge which my dr told me is normal and to not worry. They told me it may last a few days after my last dose. I am no longer swollen but am extremely tired and crampy. my boobs are also tender... but I am also expecting my period any day now. I do not have any yeast symptoms although I am more prone to these. I was given medication just incase. I also started a probiotic which was recommended to help balance my bacteria to help prevent further bv. I also try to eat one yogurt everyday to help prevent yeast infections. After treatment is almost done my bump is also almost completely gone. fingers crossed it stays away. Read More Read Less

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Anonymous2319 | 19-24 | Female | Patient
Condition: Vaginosis caused by Bacteria
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I have had BV maybe 3x in my life. I’m 24 with 1 kid and while it’s a natural thing, it makes you feel grody. I was prescribed Falgyl the very 1st time I got BV at 15. I violently threw up due to the taste and didn’t finish the treatment.. thankfully it went away on its own that time. The 2nd time was after the birth of my child, which I was prescribed the gel. The BV went away with the treatment and because I was still healing from the birth, I was bleeding so I didn’t have any chunky discharge. Now this 3rd time, I was prescribed the gel again after telling them I can’t do pills and so far, the only side affects I’ve noticed is that I can taste the medication (yes, even though it’s inserted thru the vagina) ONLY if I don’t eat right before or during the medication AND the white, chunky discharge. I no longer have the odor or anything negative like that. I don’t seem to have a yeast infection (which are recurrent for me) and my vagina is extremely sensitive. All in all, if you can stomach those pills, more power to you and good luck! But I’d suggest the gel before anything. Read More Read Less

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Becca | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Vaginosis caused by Bacteria
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I had no problem with this medication. I was surprised it wasn’t painful or I had no burning sensation. I’ve used OTC for yeast infections before and it was so painful it felt like something was eating my insides. With this medication I was skeptical but it was so gentle no pain or burning. I would definitely recommend this medication. Like the other reviews I did had some discharge.

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Im | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Vaginosis caused by Bacteria
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I was prescribed this as a stronger method to clear up bv after testing positive results, the treatment is 5 nights inserting gel into vagina with the provided inserts, easy to use and follow instructions, Iâ??ve had some deep abdominal pain but I suspect this may not be linked to the treatment, however bad smell disappears after first treatment. I have had thick clumpy discharge whilst running the 5 day course, advised you must use at night otherwise clumpy white discharge will leak out of vagina with the gel, well worth using, good treatment, not sure how safe it is though. Read More Read Less

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happy | 65-74 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Vaginosis caused by Bacteria
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

Prescribed for bacterial vaginitis. I was skeptical after reading reviews and am very sensitive to most medications. I had no side effects but not sure yet if it got rid of the infection. Just happy I had no side effects as I had terrible side effect from Flagyl pill and had to stop it.

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Vaginosis caused by Bacteria
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I was really nervous to use the medication because of all the other reviews on it. But now I am very glad I did use it. I had some slight cramping and the white chunky discharge after but that's it. It took away the smell on the first day. And all my other symptoms cleared up by the time I was finished the 5 days. I am so so so thankful for this medication. The pills did nothing but make me sick. I would definitely use this again if I had to.

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Britt | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Vaginosis caused by Bacteria
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

Okay so it worked fine. However, on the last night I made the mistake of having sex and thank goodness it was someone I have been with for years because the white discharge that came out was chunky and smelly and it was a lot. I was very grossed out. After reading these comments I see that it is normal.

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Ylaracuente | 55-64 | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Vaginosis caused by Bacteria
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I used for 5 days as recommended , the bacteria is gone. this happens two years a go, I haven't go it back since then.

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Anonymous | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Vaginosis caused by Bacteria
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

went for a routine female exam, 47 was told I have BV no symptoms,anyway, I took two doses of the insert and I have pain way inside, disgusting white clumpy discharge, and at times tons of white and clear when I go to the bathroom,feeling nauseous. This medication is dangerous after reading different studies and talking to my obgyn who did not prescribe it was my family doctor, there are safe and effective ways to treat, this medication is sooooo bad, targeting women when none of the harsh chemicals are needed. Shame on the manufacturer and I talked to other women who had no symptoms either but were told that they had BV, it's a pharmaciutical companies giving kickbacks to labs and doctors.Read More Read Less

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Drowzy | 45-54 | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Vaginosis caused by Bacteria
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I am 5 yrs menopausal .went for pap because of yellow sticky, no smell discharge. I had the 5 day treatment. Had chills, flushing, very fatigued, breast pain. Cramping...mild. after 5th day discharge was clear, slimy,a lot of it. 2nd day after, yellowish tinge. 3rd,4th and 5th day thick, clumpy,no smell,clear,light yellow, moderate itching, feel have to urinate constantly, but nothing there. achyness around vaginal area and above the public bone area . very sore when even gently wiping after peeing. Tenderness to sit or walk in vag,area. Fatigue still. Depressed mood constant from 2nd day of treatment til now even 5 days later. Suspect yeast infection. Calling my doctor tomorrow. I'm feeling not so well having all these symptoms. Their very uncomfortable.I was advised during treatment too not use my cerve,lotion or my topical antibiotic for acne. I also avoided using my deoderant, and used baby shampoo instead of my usual and conditioner. All containing forms of alcohol or propylene glycol . I was stressed about getting any bad side effects. Read More Read Less

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Md2 | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Vaginosis caused by Bacteria
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I tend to have BV after my period and once I take this product im fine. This has worked the best for me after trying many other drugs.

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Need_advice04 | 19-24 | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Vaginosis caused by Bacteria
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

This is my first time getting bv and Iâ??m struggling with this gel. Before I knew I had bv I thought it may have been a yeast infection since Iâ??ve had that once so I took monistat. A week later I got the discharge and odor back but without the itching and irritation. I go get checked out at the doctor and they told me I had bv and prescribed the gel Iâ??ve used it for 5 days every night as recommended and for a few days after the discharge stopped but now then came back along with the odor. I then got another monistat treatment since I had read the gel causes yeast infections. It stopped the symptoms for about a week now right back to the discharge and odor I even used the gel a few more days and i still have that nasty smell and discharge I have no idea what I should do Iâ??m thinking Iâ??d better try the pill. Iâ??ve been with the same person for 5 years havenâ??t changed partners not sure why it keeps coming back !Read More Read Less

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QueenK | 35-44 | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Vaginosis caused by Bacteria
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

I have been dealing with reaccurrant BV for over a decade. The BV starts after having a new sex partner or your partner being a lady. One thing I know for sure is the pills are better but taste terrible and takes your taste buds and flips them and thereâ??s a metallic after taste. The gel on the other hand is more irritating and completely wipes out good vaginal flora so your left with a nasty yeast infection. Also, my doctor told me to use when needed without using the full daily dose and that seems ineffective. My biggest concern about this gel is the paraben preservatives added. The vagina is a mucous membrane that quickly absorbs anything inserted. I found boric acid to be affective but also irritating with long use. This bacteria imbalance is monstrous and will have you thinking you have a STD! The only prevention is a monogamous relationship or condoms because somewhere in the circle where you have 4 people having sex basically together(man,woman,man,woman) or a cheating spouse or boyfriend; the vagina will not be happy. So, I hope this helps somebody understand why it happens and how to prevent it. Homemade suppositories help if used immediately after sex.Read More Read Less

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JOURNEY | 25-34 | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Vaginosis caused by Bacteria
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

It seemed to work for the BV but two days after a heavy cottage cheese like discharge that is extremely uncomfortable and annoying. Gets rid of the BV only to turn around and give you a yeast infection that requires more treatment so the 5days turns to 7-8 days waiting for it to clear. It is effective but its like trading one evil for another. Clindamycin def works a lot better HIGHLY RECOMEND but who has almost $200 laying around

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cmp8191 | 25-34 | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Vaginosis caused by Bacteria
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

About a month ago, I started experiencing pain in my ovaries and pelvic area. Couldn't get in to my gyno for about a week, so I went to urgent care-it was BV and it was pretty bad. I was first prescribed Metronidazole pill, took the full dose and did it religiously. After about 2 days, I was feeling better, but made sure to finish the prescription as directed. Did not have sex, nothing. After the 4th or 5th day, the pain started again. I didn't have the discharge like other people reported, so I went back to the doctor and I still had bv. She prescribed me metro gel and I used as directed for the full time. I'm about 4 days past my last use, and I'm still experiencing pain. I've been taking Oregano oil for yeast, just in case (this has been a miracle solution for my recurring yeast infections-haven't had one for over a year since I started those). I have no idea what's going on, and I'm so beyond frustrated. I also have no visible discharge in my underwear at the end of the day like I normally would. Read More Read Less

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HelperBee | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Vaginosis caused by Bacteria
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

I hope this will find someone and help you through the journey of treatment for BV. I've made 3 attempts and 1 successful completion of the 7days, 2 per day treatment. I've read discussion boards and looked for anything to me with this monstrosity of an antibiotic. 1st ATTEMPT: caught off guard by the side effects (mine were taste and nausea), I didn't finish the Rx (the metro). 2nd ATTEMPT: I drank with milk (lactose free because my body doesn't agree with the regular (I'm keeping it PG rated lol)). This seemed to make it more bearable to swallow. But the taste was still awful on my tongue so I started to sip milk before the pill (didn't drink the whole cup), threw the pill to the back of my throat and chugged that milk immediately. This worked until day 6 when I saw no symptoms and stopped because a lot of people said they did so I bandwagon. Well, technically I was fine until I got frisky with a bf (we'd been active before but we got std tested so we could be w/o trojan man), everything negative BUT the smell of bv crept in shortly after a couple of days. I cringed at the thought of that Rx treatment. 3rd ATTEMPT: I don't know how I came up with the idea of yogurt but the Greek yogurt with live and active cultures comes into play. I coated my tongue with the yogurt, glass off milk on standby, threw the pill to the back of my throat and chugged down that whole glass of milk. Only a faint "taste" of the pill lingered. (Side note: I just remembered when I was a CNA my patients would take hard to swallow pills with yogurt or pudding so that's where I got the idea). So I completed all 7 days and the 3rd attempt worked like a charm BUT...I wasn't aware that my bd didn't take all of his Rx properly so he transferred it back to me. 4th ATTEMPT: I did everything from my third attempt but took my bd yo the doctor to get a bv test but there isn't one. So I told him to finish the Rx properly or its nothing but trojan man. I PRAY THIS REACHES SOMEONE AND HELPS YOU Read More Read Less

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Unhappylady | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Vaginosis caused by Bacteria
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

I was prescribed the flagyl pill to begin with. It didn't work after taking it properly. I had bad discharge, headaches, and stomach pains like diarrhea. I was given another prescription of flagyl. This time i violently threw up along with all previous symptoms. Now I'm taking the gel. I still have extreme headaches, discharge, stomach pains. Two days ago was my last dose. I still have all symptoms of vaginosis. Idk what to do anymore.

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Cindy | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Vaginosis caused by Bacteria
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

I was prescribed this medication for five days along with diflucan which i was told to take on the 5th day of the metro gel Everything seemed to be fine but I did have chunky white cottage cheese discharge every time I took a shower. On the 5th day of the medication it started feeling weird again down there. Almost like I had a yeast infection and the discharge became yellow again ugh!!!

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Trish | 13-18 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Vaginosis caused by Bacteria
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

Was prescribed the gel to use for 5 nights, once a night. I was going onto my 5th night... i was at work walking around and started to experience EXTREME discomfort on my pelvic area when walking, laughing, sitting, or breathing. It got to the point where i was crying, and called my oharmacy. They said that it sounds like the medication has made everything worse and i need to go to the ER... i went to the ER and turns out i need to go onto the pills, which i was not taking at first because i could not swallow them. I am now on the pills but am experiencing white chunky (cottage cheese-like) discharge, and itching. I believe that the gel has given me a yeast infection. I would never recommend this gel to a soul, and advice that you suck up the awful taste of the tablets. Read More Read Less

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Shoegirl36 | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Vaginosis caused by Bacteria
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I have a bv, and have been on it fir 4 days now. Easy to use, but i did get headaches and increased bathroom runs. Also, loose BM. But i dont have pain anymore. So i like it.

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