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3.7 Overall Rating


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I'm writing this review to set the record straight. First of all, I'm a 20 year old college student who has never had a child before. My doctor and I made the decision to go with Mirena because of complications with the birth control pill OrthoTriCyclen Lo. After reading many negative reviews about Mirena- I was very hesitant to go through with getting it. I was so nervous I delayed getting ...

Most voted negative review

8 People found this comment helpful

I hate it! 17 months of a nightmare! Completely destroyed me physically and mentally!! Ruined my life!! Dont be fooled! At first you will be happy, and then find yourself like me!

Shared reviews and ratings

Bingo123 | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

I am 28 years old and have 5 young children, my last being triplets, so I decided to have the iud inserted! It was the most horrible experience ever. Since the moment I had it in I had non stop ovary pain and cramping, specifically on my right. Every time my husband and I had sexual intercourse it would hurt also with slight bleeding afterwards. I went to my GP, had ultrasounds and they couldn’t find the problem. My dr prescribed me antibiotics assuming it was Adenomyosis. After completing the dose I still thought I’d follow advice to let the iud settle and see how I went after 6 months but nothing changed so got the iud removed and I’m so glad I did. I haven’t experience anymore pain/cramping and irregular bleeding but my period has however gotten a lot heavier since removing it than it was before. I understand the IUD works for some but it didn’t for me. Read More Read Less

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Jess | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

I was 30 yrs old when my IUD was inserted. I just had my third child and needed a form of birth control. The pain, to be honest, wasn't terrible, some mild cramping, but not terrible. However, within the first few months of having the IUD I experienced some of the worst mental health effects I could possibly have...uncharacteristic hostility and anger toward my family, mainly my husband, resentment, blame. My husband gently advised me that maybe the cause was the IUD and that I should maybe think about getting it removed. I didn't believe him and my mental health continued to decline to the point I had thoughts of suicide. I began to ostracize myself from family and friends. I lost weight to the point you could see my tailbone and sternum just below my skin. I was on the verge of divorcing my husband, we started couples counseling and he begged me to get the IUD removed. I did, after having it for 18 mos. It took quite a while after that to finally feel more like myself. I wanted to write this review to let all women know my experience, although, my best friend also had an IUD and really liked it. I am an elementary teacher, I rarely drink, never have smoked, exercise/weight lift regularly, and try to eat healthy. I know during those few years it wasn't a lifestyle issue for me, it was a drug issue. I will always tell any woman my IUD experience before they get one.Read More Read Less

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Momof6 | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

36 year old Mom of 6. Zero pain getting it put in. The doctors and nurses were even surprised I didn’t feel anything. Got it put in day 4 of my 7 day cycle 6 weeks post csection. I bled somewhat heavy for an additional week then it tapered off to heavy spotting for 7 days then regular spotting for 3 days now only spot during intercourse. Iv had it a total 3 weeks. I have not had cramping or any other side effect. I follow a healthy life style, exercise daily and eat right. I hardly drink alcohol. I take my prenatals still. Keep in mind A lot of side effects do some from an unhealthy life style. So there are lots of negative reviews but how are those people living? What other issues do they have? Also my sex drive is way up. Overall really glad I didn’t listen to the negative reviews and hope I continue with success Read More Read Less

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BiancaM | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Abnormally Long or Heavy Periods
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

The Mirena was suggested to me as a way to curb my heavy and irregular menstrual cycle. I was having to get bi-yearly iron infusions as I was losing so much blood and this seemed to be my only option. The insertion: I was one of many who had a horrific time with this. While my uterus does tilt backward, making most things like Pap smears a little uncomfortable, the pain I experienced during this procedure has kept me in anxiety about having it removed. It was so painful that I almost passed out. I’ve had biopsies done before on my uterus that hurt less. I’ve given birth before naturally which hurt less. However, I do understand everyone is different and this was simply my own experience. Results: The mirena absolutely did what I was told it would. My heavy bleeding dissipated and I’m lucky to bleed once or twice a year now. I’ve had the Mirena for two years. The first negative side affect I experienced was hormonal acne. As someone who always had perfectly clear skin, this happened so gradually that at first I didn’t notice until my husband gently pointed it out. By this time, the acne was scarring my skin and no amount of skin therapists or dietary changes would help. I was adamant that I wanted to remove the mirena but was suggested to try roaccutane first - which required effective birth control due to the defects upon falling pregnant while taking the medication. The roaccutane worked with no severe side affects which is great. Something else that happened gradually was weight gain. I’m an active 33 year old who eats well. Nothing in my routine has changed over the past 7 months, yet somehow I have gained 12 kgs.. yet I’m told this has nothing to do with the Mirena. Just like my acne had nothing to do with the Mirena. I’ve had my thyroid tested, the results were fine. I can’t do a hormone panel as the Mirena will mask the results. My doctor ran other blood tests because she agreed what is happening with my body is not normal. I am tired all of the time and I have insomnia and no sex drive. What my blood results did show was I now have hemochromatosis.. which was being masked by my heavy periods pre Mirena. Just a huge array of weird symptoms which I didn’t have beforehand. I put my weight down to my age but even my doctor had said that is not normal for such a small timeframe with no lifestyle differences. She has agreed that it needs to go. I’m excited to say I’m booked it to have the mirena removed. I already feel a huge relief that I’m going to get rid of this and run a hormone panel once my body has levelled out after the removal. I only wish I read more about the side affects before I made the decision to get one. I’ve since read quite a few scientific journals and petitions which are pushing for more research to be done on this device and the adverse reactions women are experiencing. I hope this review helps someone to make an informed decision around their own body. Summary: For me, it did what was described - it stopped my heavy menstrual flow. But the physical and mental cost of doing so was NOT worth it. Not by a long shot. Read More Read Less

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Jolina | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Abnormally Long or Heavy Periods
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

Only had it for one month and had to have a laparoscopic surgery to remove Mirena because it ended up lodged in my Fallopian tube causing so much pain and discomfort. I wouldn’t recommend this product to anyone. Recovery time has be so slow with added medical issues caused by this product.

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lena | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Abnormally Long or Heavy Periods
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I had this inserted at 47 yrs old because of heavy belting that caused me to dangerously faint a couple of times due to low blood pressure. Apart from a few cramps at first, and light bleeding periods stopped completely only after 6 months. For me, has worked perfectly!

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AB | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 10 years or more | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

The mirena was a great birth control and worked well with minor emotional side effects. After six months I began itching. I tested for all elements all came back negative. After ten years with two mirena iuds inserts I was itching and taking antihistamines. After I was entering into menopause and took out the iud three months later my itching stopped. Yayyy!!

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Z | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to less than 2 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

I had the Mirina coil inserted 15 months ago, so well over a year. I have a mixed opinion, before the coil, I had irregular but light 2-3 day periods. Since having the coil, my periods have been much much heavier and lasting roughly 2 weeks and completely irregular!!!! There is also a nasty smell that comes with the period which is very strong and gross. However it has done a very good job at preventing pregnancy (from someone very active with no other form of protection)! I have had no ‘other’ symptoms which why I chose this form of birth control. So its hard to judge but I wont be having mine removed until it expires after 5 years.Read More Read Less

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Annette | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Abnormally Long or Heavy Periods
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

At 50 due to peri-menopause I started bleeding heavily with clots. My doctor suggested the mirena coil might help. At first I declined as I didn't like the thought of it, but after suffering for four months with constant bleeding I decided it was my only option. It was the best thing in my case, slightly uncomfortable whilst being inserted, I was advised beforehand to take painkillers which I'm sure helped. Light bleeding for a few weeks and then it stopped. Coil has been inserted over 4 years now and has never been a problem for me. We are all very different and I feel very fortunate that it has worked so well for me.Read More Read Less

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julie | 55-64 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

only had mine inserted yesterday afternoon but under general as a biopsy a few weeks ago was so painful the consultant recommended general all done as bleeding after menopause biopsy normal but womb had polyp removed same time as miderna fitted slight bleeding yesterday just headache and dull ache today fingers crossed all works for me

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Tiemytubesplz | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 3.7
Ease of Use

I got this after having my second child at the age of 42. I asked to have my tubes tied when my son was born but they said I could only have it done if I had a c-section. I know 2 of my elder sisters had their tubes tied after vaginally birth. I am now 48 and dissatisfied for the simple fact that every time I use the bathroom it looks like my vagina sneezed! I have to wipe and wipe and wipe. This also makes my secretions so sticky that sex is nearly impossible without lubricant and that takes all the spontaneity out of my sex life! I have been to the doctor about this thing and they just tell me that the mucus is what makes it so effective. What makes it so effective is that it is thing is SUPER UNSEXY! I am really pissed with this thing! I still want my tubes tied. Read More Read Less

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SMD | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I’m 45 and needed Mirena to prevent pregnancy (after several miscarriages) Mirena was an absolute nightmare for me. Yes it hurts like hell. Bled for 40 days after insertion( typically have regular periods) Stopped having sex initially bc of bleeding, then lost total interest. I developed extreme anxiety, onset of unusual frustration, fatigue felt like the first trimester of pregnancy, complete apathy and loss of interest in everything and everyone. The final straw was suicidal ideation. I even planned how. I had a clean bill of health from my family doctor prior. Progesterone should NOT be given as 1st IUD option. Try pill form first. I had to wait 6 weeks to get it removed. Which does not hurt at all btw.Read More Read Less

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I hate IUD | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abnormally Long or Heavy Periods
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

I want to share my experience with this horrible medical product that so many gynecologists recommend. I want to know why this product is pushed so hard for patients with abnormally heavy and clotting periods by doctors. How much money are these horrible doctors getting for each IUD they insert. 4 different doctors all told me this was my only option for my condition after blood clotting prescription medicine was not working. Even when I asked repeatedly about uterine eblasion surgery which has an 85% chance of completely rectifying polyps and heavy bleeding that will fill an ultra tampon in 30 minutes. I’m a 45 year old woman who doesn’t want any more children therefore there is absolutely no reason for me to be on a medical product that’s first use is for birth control. What these lazy doctors want us women to do is have a procedure that is easy for them. They would rather put IUD’s in than do a surgery that takes only 30-45 min. Did I forget to mention that a uterine ablation will stop your period for good in most women over the age of 40. It will ease the side effects of PMS, and you will feel so much better mentally. Next is the fact that when you do try the IUD and you begin to suffer from the MANY SIDE EFFECTS, most doctors will tell you it’s all in your head. The IUD doesn’t cause your emotions to go out of control, the anxieties, the lack of sexual desire, hair loss, acne, weight gain. Etc…or that some of our bodies do not like foreign objects in them and will tell our bodies something is wrong and get it out by way of SIDE EFFECTS. But to doctors, patients don’t know their own bodies after all they are the college educated MD’s we are not. Ladies before you decide to make this decision make sure to find a doctor that will give you all the options that will listen to you and allow you to make that choice and they aren’t saying this is your only option. I’m so glad I found doctor number 4 that told me the uterine ablation was the best choice as it’s not a bandage or band aid it’s a fix to my problem and UTI’s have bad outcomes more that what these other doctors will say because pharmaceutical companies make more money on these that’s why it’s pushed and the statistics are geared to make it look like a better option than surgery. Think about that one…. Read More Read Less

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eh | 19-24 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Abnormally Long or Heavy Periods
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I read a bunch of reviews before I got this IUD put in, and it scared me. Typically the only reviews online are bad ones, so don’t be afraid but also pay attention to your body! I am 22 years old and got my period when i was 12. Since my first one, I have experienced debilitating cramps & extreme bleeding. My cramps were in my hips, entire stomach, and my back and would leave me bedridden for 3-4 days at a time for about 4-5 years of my life. I bled so much that I bled through extra heavy overnight pads in about an hour or two. I had horrible hormonal acne for the past two years, have gained a lot of weight, had a really unpredictable appetite, and had horrible PMS mood swings. I also have never wanted children and never do, and also have ADHD making it hard to remember to take a pill or get a shot. So I knew that Mirena was the best option for me since the hormones are localized to your uterus! I got mine implanted three months ago. I will say for the first month, I had excruciating stomach pain that landed me in the ER. I couldn’t do much physically. I was told I had a UTI & severe bladder infection, so who knows if it’s related. I also bled pretty heavily those first 5-6 weeks. But oh my god am I so glad I got this IUD. My hormonal acne has completely cleared up. My appetite is normal, predictable, and I’ve lost weight since starting Mirena. I’ve had my period twice since then, with No Cramping. No cramping at all, besides maybe a few here or there, but so minor. I spotted after the first day, which even then I wore regular overnight pads and could go about 4 hours without changing!! Huuuuge difference! My moods are better controlled, my weight is redistributing into my thighs/hips from my stomach. I feel amazing. I feel safe knowing I won’t have to worry about pregnancy until I’m 30. I’m so happy I got this IUD.Read More Read Less

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Mfparker | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 6 months to less than 1 year | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

This product is terrible because it is painful to put in, I bled on and off for 4 months and the acne it has caused is so bad I have to be on oral meds for 6 months or more. I know so many women that had this device removed because of the terrible side effects. The doctors do a really poor job of warning you what is to come.

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Kelci B | 25-34 | Female | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 1.7
Ease of Use

The iud may have stopped me from getting pregnant the last two years but my mental health was completely destroyed by this device. Mood swings, irritability, depression, complete loss of sex drive. I don’t know why it took me so long to realize it but when I got the iud removed I felt back to my self within 24 hours!!! This device is not healthy!!

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Ana Maria | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

I had read horrible reviews on the insertion process and the weeks after it. The main reason I decided to get Mirena was that the mini pill wasn't working for me anymore and changing to another pill would mean having to wean my 20-month-old from night breastfeeding - which seems more of a burden at this time because she is too attached to it. I came into my doctor's office freaking out and telling her about all the horrible things I have read and that I was scared of how painful it'd be, she mentioned it would be uncomfortable there would be some pain but not as I described to her. She explained the whole process to me, which helped me calm my nerves. She showed me "the path" she had to open in the cervix channel before insertion and mention that would be the most painful part of the process. She started and I felt pain for 20 seconds - which felt like a contraction. She then told me she would wait for that to pass and then she'd insert the device - we waited for a minute and then I felt ready she proceeded to insert the UID and I felt like a menstrual cramp and that's it then it was over. It took no longer than 5 minutes! I went to work afterward and didn't feel any pain or have since the insertion. I have only had it for 3 weeks and the only side effect I've noticed is that my acne has increased a bit, but I have been using a cleanser and topical cream, which has reduced it significantly. I feel everyone can have a difference experience but do recommend not taking too seriously the negative experiences as it may not be what happens to you - like in my case. Read More Read Less

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Sinead | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abnormally Long or Heavy Periods
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

To balance the insertion pain out here with all the painful experiences I recently had the Mirena coil put in. It was uncomfortable for below 5 mins. I have not had children and I was given two pills to insert 2 hours before which opens your cervix pre the insertion and also a pain killer both of which were prescribed by the nurse with my coil. The insertion for me was a little more uncomfortable than a smear and lasted approximately 4 minutes, it was a little worse than a smear. I also think the pills beforehand to open my cervic helped - ask for these !! I was terrified after reading some of the experiences which i'm not saying was not reality for some but for me it was not as described here. I had a doctor in the hospital who is doing it 20 years and I do think this definitely helped. Thankfully none of the reviews of excrutiating pain was true for me - sorry it did for some. I'm glad I got to see more positive experiences on the reviews it helped me go through with it so i'm just joining those of us who had a ok'ish experience and encourage others. Read More Read Less

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Karrie | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 5 to less than 10 years | Patient
Condition: Birth Control
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I am a 28 year old female with two baby girls (one is approaching 18 months and my other has recently turned 3 months). Taking the pill everyday as a form of birth control wasn’t ideal for me personally. I received the Mirena a few weeks ago and the procedure itself was quick followed by light cramping and light bleeding for a few hours. Since then I have found a slight amount of blood when wiping on a couple occasions with no cramping. Despite many misleading reviews, I’ve heard wonderful experiences with this form of birth control! I’m looking forward to light periods/no periods & cramping. I feel the Mirena was the right choice for me. Will leave another review a few months from now! Read More Read Less

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Angela L. | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abnormally Long or Heavy Periods
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Mirena has changed my life!! I've been on various pills throughout my life with very heavy periods. I've also tried the depo shot for about 1 year but gained 25 pounds with continuous spotting, so decided to think of another option. Since being in my 40's my cycles have been worse. So bad that I was severely anemic and was sent to a hemotologist for an iron transfusion. My hemoglobin count was severely low as well. I felt dizzy while walking stairs and always bleed the bed if I forgot to put a cover on the bed before falling asleep. I would bleed through my pants as well if I didn't change my menstrual cup often. Life has been great since Mirena. The insertion process was not as bad as the stories I heard, keeping in mind that I've had 1 child vaginally with no epidural. I did however feel like passing out, but felt better after a few minutes of rest after insertion. I spotted for only 1-2 days after insertion, and no bleeding since. My husband doesnt feel it during intercourse either. I sometimes see lining shed when I use the restroom, but nothing other than a drop of blood. No need for a liner. I would definitely recommend this for anyone looking to reduce their menstrual flow, not to mention how I dont have to think about birthcontrol for the next 5-7 years. Again, LIFE CHANGING!!Read More Read Less

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