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I was prescribed the drug yesterday within a four week pregnancy. After reading many of the online reviews I was absolutely terrified, which as a result I am writing this review in an effort to help calm some of the nerves out there. Although I have three more nights to go with this, (I am to take 400mcgs over four nights)I have to say my first night was not the nightmarish experiences women o...

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ple give suggetionMisoprostol.oral

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Anonymous | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Don't let the horror stories here scare you. Everybody's experience is different. I littlerally just passed most of the tissue /clots and felt like I had to come here and share. I am a 35 yo mother of 3 + 1 miscarriage and 1 surgical abortion with complete sedation in my late teens. My youngest turned one this month. Hubby and I were discussing vasectomy so moving forward with this pregnancy was not an option. I found out about the pregnancy at 3 weeks and had my appointment at the abortion clinic yesterday at 4 weeks. Took the first pill in clinic with pretty much no side effects but some pressure in my pelvic area. I read horror stories all day today and it took me everything to take my 4 pills this afternoon. Once I swallowed the pills the pelvic pressure intensified and I passed some type of tissue. I experienced mostly mild cramps and intense pressure for about 3 hours. I then passed a huge clot and most of the pressure was released. Because I am still breastfeeding I was not able to get a prescription for Tylenol 3. I was advised to alternate between 2 pills of Tylenol and 2 pills of Advil every 3 hours. The cramps were a little uncomfortable at times but nothing unbearable. I should mention that I have a very low pain tolerance. A few tips: I made sure to wear comfortable clothes and just chill in bed with my cell. Hubby is handling the kids. Have a plan for pain mangement and follow it. Relax. All in all the process took about 3 hours for me and was close to painless. Uncomfortable? Yes for sure but nothing compared to labor or even the miscarriage I've had before. Read More Read Less

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momof3 | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 5.0
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I have read reviews on here for the last week leading up to my appointment, and to say I was terrified is an understatement. I wanted to write a review so someone reading that has severe anxiety like myself can hopefully benefit. My husband I brought what was suppose to be our 3rd & last child into this world 3 months ago. After having some complications and then suffering from PPD and anxiety, we knew he was our last. Fast forward to our 6 week clearance at my OB & my doc actually refused to put me on birth control because I was breastfeeding. He said it was a natural BC in itself and we would talk at my annual exam 8 months later. We found out a week after my post partum check that we were pregnant again. My nerves were all over the place and I was so scared to carry another child after what my last birth experience was and what we were told. We have 3 children and I have NEVER had an abortion, let alone it even be a thought. But after a lot of talking, we agreed this was the best decision for our family and my health. On 2/1/23, I went to my appointment for a medical abortion where they determined me to be 6 weeks 6 days by the ultrasound. They gave me the first pill there in the clinic, mifepristone, around 3:15pm. The doctor and counselor asked me how fast I wanted to do this. After telling them I wanted it done as soon as possible, they walked me through how to take the second set of pills at home vaginally that same night. I came home and did homework, baths and bedtime routines with our children. I then took 800mg of ibuprofen and a 50mg tablet of zofran they prescribed. While I let that set in, I showered and got in comfy clothes. Made sure my heating pad was ready. My water ready and everything else so I didn’t have to bother my husband too much, he had work in the AM. At 8:20pm I inserted the 4 pills, misoprostol, vaginally. I laid down when inserting so I had less of a chance of them falling out and I stayed laying in bed for about 45 mins afterwards with my heating pad on my lower abdomen. I actually fell asleep watching my show and woke up around 2:15AM to some cramping. THIS CRAMPING WAS NOT THE WORST. It wasn’t even the cramping that woke me up, it was the fact I felt like I had to pee. I stood up to walk to the bathroom and I could feel that I was bleeding. That same feeling when you have your period, and you can feel that small gush. I sat on the toilet for maybe 10 minutes and passed 2 ping pong ball sized clots. I felt them fall out but honestly the pain was painless. I crawled back into bed and my husband had woken up to check on me. I told him “knock on wood, I just passed clots and have very very little to no pain. Not sure if this is the start or if that is it.” I actually ate some grapes, watched more tv, passed one more smaller clot and then went back to bed. I woke up this morning to some bleeding, but nothing catastrophic. It wasn’t even a pad full. I will update my review if anything else happens since they did say it could take 24hours. But after reading on here like I said, I was so scared I was reminding my children last night how much mom loves them and so afraid I wouldn’t make it thru this. Our body knows what to do, it was made to do this. You are amazing. You got this! ??Read More Read Less

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Anon RSA | 25-34 | Female | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 4.0
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This is my 2nd abortion, didn't want to have it but because I had an affair, I didn't know who the father of my baby was, unfortunately I had to go this route, twice. Yes I know what you're thinking, I beat myself up about how irresponsible I was for infidelity. Anyway I took pain meds 30 mins before taking misoprostol...2st was easy, aborted at 3 weeks snd currently at 4 weeks. I know when I'm pregnant therefore had to do it asap. The earlier the better hence the pain wasn't bad for me the way eople EXAGGERATE. It's currently bearable like normal period pains. Just waiting to pass the tissue. Don't stress much just take pain meds 30 mins before, you'll be goodRead More Read Less

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Xx |
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 4.7
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Within 2 hours of taking the pills I started to bleed and cramp. The pain was so strong for me but then that only lasted about an hour, and really heavy bleeding lasted for about 10 hours. However, by the end of the day I was able to leave the house and go for a walk. I’m on the second day now, and my bleeding is a lot lighter and I feel I can just carry on with every day activities. The pain was a lot, but it is definitely bearable.

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 4.7
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I have two kids, so I've been through labor before. Maybe that has something to do with my experience; but I just wanted to ease a few minds out there if I can. It's not horrible! I took mifepristone at 5 pm and about 36 hours later (10 pm) I took misoprostil. It took about an hour for the cramping to set in but it wasn't unbearable. Definitely cramps you have to breath through, but not ones that make you feel like you're dying. I had those about every 20-30 minutes until around 2:30 am. It was bearable enough that I was able to sleep through this whole process, with the exception of getting up once to change my pad and I also had some nausea. I did throw up twice. When I got up at 2:30 to change my pad again, I felt quite a bit of gushing. That's when I realized I had passed everything. Overall, a relatively easy experience. I know everyone is going to have a different experience but I wanted to ease some minds if I could! I think the less anxiety you go into it with, the better. Read More Read Less

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joy | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 3.7
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my pregnancy ended like it should in 05/22. My next pregnancy 01/23 was a ecotopic pregnancy caused by misoprostol. I almost died.

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Miscarriage | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Induction of Cervical Softening and Dilation in Labor
Overall rating 4.0
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Just wanted to speak from the other side of it. I did the meds and bled / passed tissue within 4 hours. I was 7 weeks. I didn't take pain meds right after and I should have. It was horrendous pain. But the next day, way better with ibuprofen 600mg. 3rd day even less pain and bleeding still, but the meds did work. For those it isn't working for, I feel like they're maybe pushing the pills in the wrong way or at the wrong place. You can't just stick them in. You have to strategically make sure that you are manuevering your finger the right way to put it right near your cervix. It took me 10 minutes or so for all 4, but I got it done. For those who are unsure, the sticking a finger in there first to practice before putting the pills in. I was afraid / wary of the invasiveness of the D&C so I chose the pills. Severe Pain & diarrhea. You will need strong meds. Ibuprofen 600-800 or hydrocodone / ocycodone. I took 600mgs. Read More Read Less

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StrongTeen | 19-24 | Female | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 4.7
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Hey! I’m here to ease a few minds! My experience was fast and easy. A bit overwhelming but in all the process was okay! I took my first pill yesterday at 12 & took my 4 doses at 12 today! Pain tolerance was bearable coming from a person who HATE PAIN !!!!! just like bad period cramps and my periods is WORST than this. I took Tylenol extra strength about 3 hours in I started passing everything! Not that painful just uncomfortable.

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Anon | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 2.7
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It never occurred to me that I could review this pill. I had an abortion in 2019 at 8 weeks. When I tell you it is the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life, I mean it. You go into full blown labor. I had to eventually go to the ER and they gave me morphine. Screaming and crying, sweat drenched everywhere, throwing up from pain. This lasted for about 3-5 days. I had to go back to the ER and they were about to have to do surgery to get everything out because the blood and pain wouldn’t stop. This part is a given, but I was an ignorant 19 year old, but the whole embryo came out whole and I held it for a few hours just crying. No, this is not a pro-life review, I am pro-choice. That being said, it still shocked me to my core to see just how developed it looked. If, god forbid, I ever got pregnant again (which will NOT happen), I would have to opt for surgical abortion or off myself. Dead serious.Read More Read Less

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Rachel | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

A POSITIVE REVIEW! I live in a state that has recently banned abortions so I had to order the medication online (5 weeks and 1 day pregnant). It came in a 1 pack with 5 pop outs. I took the first pill Mifepristone at 11:00am Monday. I had done my research and I saw that quite a few medical websites said that you can take the Misoprostol early as 10 hours after. So later about 11:55pm I took 2 hydrocodone (which I had from prior dental work) and 1 800mg Ibuprofen at 12:00 midnight. At 12:40am I vaginally inserted the 4 pills with a vaginal inserter while laying on my back in bed. I laid on my back for an hour with my heating pad on my stomach and I also had on a women’s diaper for night leaks. Felt nothing. I tried going to sleep but just tossed and turned maybe because I was nervous. I got up at 3:00am to go to the restroom to check myself. When I first sat on the toilet and pee’d there was no blood. I began to worry that it wasn’t working because I had been told and read online there would be sooo much blood. So I automatically thought that it failed plus I saw that one pill had fell in the toilet when I sat down. I wiped again and there was a tiny amount of blood. Still thought it failed because I didn’t think that was enough. Went back and laid down. At 4:30am I felt a slight tightness across my stomach but it didn’t hurt at all. Just a tightness, nothing like a cramp. Went back to the restroom and when I sat down there was a very small pour of blood that came out almost like the lowest you can have the faucet on above a drip. I wiped and there was a decent amount of blood. Then I felt something small slip out. It was a small blood clot a little bigger than a quarter. When I looked at it in the toilet I could see the white sac that I read about in the middle of it. I hurried and flushed the toilet. I hated to see it but I knew then that the abortion was successful. It’s a few days and I’ve just been having a small amount of blood a little less than a period everyday in my pad. Ladies I don’t know if it was because I was so early combined with the dosage of medicine I took but it was painless for me and I can’t tolerate any kind of pain. Everyone is different though, wishing you all the best of luck.Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I wanted to share my story, as I nervously read through this page on repeat and almost talked myself out of it as there are so many bad experiences. I found out I was pregnant after taking the morning after pill, so decided this was the path we would take. I have had two previous children and suffered with severe sickness and this was no different. I started throwing up muiltple times a day from 4.5 weeks, and had my pills at 7 weeks as it was the soonest I could be seen etc. i took my first pill at 5pm on Tuesday night. I felt fine for the first hour, then really struggled to keep everything down and threw up 3 hours after. After this I threw up every 2 hours for the next 24 hours. Not sure if it was the tablet or a coincidence but I was so sick. The Thursday morning I woke up feeling less nauseous, I took my pain relief and anti nausea and then placed the 4 pills in between my teeth and gums. Once the 30 minutes was up I felt as though they hadn’t dissolved enough, maybe I was dehydrated from all the sickness, so I left them another almost 30 minutes then swallowed the remainder with water. About 30 minutes later I had the biggest urge to throw up, and did. Followed by a 5/10 cramps and shivering all over. I laid down on my phone with a heat pack, and my cramping would get worse then settle. After 2 hours maybe I stood up to have lunch and I felt something gush between my legs. I went to the bathroom and I had passed a large mass with a fair amount of blood. I ate my lunch, and felt fine. The rest of the day I rested with the heat pack as my cramps were constant but honestly no worse then a bad period pain/direha cramping. I regularly changed my pad expecting to see huge amounts of blood but it was just like a slightly heavy period. It’s now 9pm on the day I took the tablets and I have mild cramping and mild bleeding. No more nausea and vomiting. Feel 100% on the previous day.Read More Read Less

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Coco | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 3.0
Ease of Use

I was around 4 weeks pregnant. I took the first dose, the mifepristone pill and then the next day I saw some bleeding already which I thought was strange. 24 hours after the first pill, I took the second dose, 4 pills of misopristone. I took two inside each cheek and let them dissolve along with 4 ibuprofen. Within 15 minutes I already got a stomachache. I was like wow this works quick. I went to the bathroom and saw no blood. 30 mins later after swallowing the rest with water, the pain got worse. I got up to walk to the bathroom and then I fell, doubled over in pain. I had to be in a ball position and was screaming and crying begging for the pain to stop. I had to lay back down and I started getting chills and felt nauseous. I thought I was going to faint. I had to squeeze on my boyfriends hand super tight and bite onto something. The cramps felt like they were from hell, 10/10 pain. I thought I would be prepared for the pain because I have bad cramps during my period but this was a lot worse. Finally it subsided a little so I crawled to the bathroom because I couldn’t stand up. I peed and then the blood came gushing. Lots and lots of blood. Then a lemon sized blood clot came out. 3 hours in I took more ibuprofen. This continued for about 6 hours, waves of nearly in bearable cramping would subside to dull cramping, along with the clots. I wanted to go to the ER but I was like nah I don’t need that bill. The pain would get worse after I went to the bathroom so I tried to keep my bathroom trips to a minimum. It’s been about 6 and 1/2 hours and I’m still bleeding and just have a dull aching stomach, with random sharp pains still but less than before. I really don’t want to stand up. I took 2 extra strength Tylenol as well about 2 hours ago. All I can say is YOU will get through it, but try to have someone with you and a stronger painkiller than ibuprofen because it didn’t help with the pain for me. Also a heating pad is good to have! Maybe I have a low pain tolerance, I’m not sure, but I never want to feel like that again. Read More Read Less

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Rebecca | 25-34 | Female | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

After reading the reviews on here, safe to say I was TERRIFIED. And want to put some minds at ease. I aborted at 8 weeks, still not easy to say. I took the first pill with no issues, around 24hrs later I inserted the 4 tablets into my vagina. At this time I had 2 paracetamol, 2 Ibuprofen, there was pressure in my lower stomach but nothing uncomfortable, I actually fell asleep. 4 hours later I took the final 2 tablets, again inserted into my vagina, I also took 1 codeine that was provided in the pack. I had the MILDEST period pain, not painful. Went to the toilet to try and pee a few times over a few hours, had some bleeding, on the final pee I passed something as I heard the “plop”, again totally painless. It was honestly the easiest experience, no sickness, no diarrhoea, no horrific cramps. The whole process from first tablet, to passing the pregnancy was around 6-7hrs. You will be FINE I promise. But do have a hot water bottle on hand, I had one constantly on my lower stomach the whole time.Read More Read Less

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#Lituation | 13-18 | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

I was 6 weeks 5 days pregnant when I decided to terminate my pregnancy. I went to planned parenthood and I got the medication pill. I had 1 to stop the pregnancy which didn’t cause any pain at all. They prescribed me with 4 actual abortion pills ( had to take after I ate and when I was ready to settle down ) also they gave me pain meds. I took the first pill at the clinic ( stop the pregnancy . When I got home, I took the 4 pills ( placed in my gums ) first 20 minutes I didn’t feel any pain at all then after 30 minutes I felt bad cramps, and something that felt like Kicks. I kept changing positions & it was terrible but bearable. I just found a comfortable position, looked on my phone tried finding peace. Afterwards I fell off asleep. I woke up feeling a little better but had to go to the bathroom, I felt a gush of blood rush through my body so i was walking so slow and so scared . Finally I got to the toilet let out about 3 big blood clots. Then afterwards I fell all better! But the past 2 weeks on and off bleeding, some days heavier than the other. Fast forward , I goes to my 2 week appointment they do a vaginal ultra sound ( I actually went TODAY lol ) anywho, the ultra sound shows it’s still tissue left and the abortion didn’t work!!! They prescribed me two more pills but idk fr if I wanna take them I really don’t want to do this process all over again especially with christmas coming up, who wanna be a bloody girl? But overall they failed me ! 1/10 Frfr making me go through unnecessary pain. Read More Read Less

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. | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 4.0
Ease of Use

DONT LET THE BAD STORIES SCARE YOU!!! I am 21 years old and was 6 weeks and 5 days pregnant when i took the medication. I took the first pill at 6pm on Sunday. I had no problems from this and felt completely normal. 24 hours later, at 6pm on Monday, i took the next 4 pills vaginally. (I took 2 paracetamol and 2 ibuprofen 10 minutes before i inserted these tablets). After half an hour i felt a very slight cramping that lasted on and off for around 20 minutes, however this was nothing major. It was very comparable to light period pains or implantation cramps i had already been getting from the pregnancy. An hour and a half passed and i was worrying because i wasn’t bleeding and still had no significant pain. I found this site and read through other peoples stories and began to panic and wonder if the treatment was even going to work and whether i’d need another round of treatment. At 9pm (3 hours after i inserted the tablets) the bleeding started and i started to feel the more painful cramps. At the start they were just like bad period cramps. At this point i chose to take 1 codeine which the nurse provided me with. I went to the toilet to change my pad and i had 4 or 5 clots pass out of me all at once. I chose not to look at these since they were making me feel lightheaded and nauseous already. After half an hour of sitting on the toilet to relieve the pain, i inserted the last 2 pills. Half an hour later i started to feel very warm and clammy, lightheaded and sick. I laid on the bathroom floor for around 45 minutes expecting to be sick but i never was. I then got extremely cold and shivery but strangely the pain from the cramps, which had got slightly more intense now, felt easier on me when i was laid on the bathroom floor. At this point the cramps were still controllable and were very much on and off, however we’re worse than period cramps but not a constant pain. I finally got back into bed at around 12am and took another codeine in the hope it would make me feel sleepy. I also began to feel the pain in my thighs at this point too, similar to period pain that i get in my thighs. From this point until 5am i was sleeping on and off and getting up to change my pad. I woke up at 2 and decided to change my pad. This was the fullest my pad had been throughout the whole of the treatment. After sitting on the toilet and pushing out any clots, i again felt lightheaded so i laid down on the bathroom floor again until i felt strong enough to move back to bed. At this point the cramps had reduced down to being comparable to bad period cramps so nothing i wasn’t used to. I got back into bed and managed to sleep on and off until 5am when my boyfriend got up for work. At this point, the pain had almost completely gone and when i changed my pad, the bleeding had reduced. I spent the rest of the day in bed, sleeping and taking it easy, drinking plenty of water and eating light meals. It’s now 4pm and i have slight cramps still but nothing bad enough to need to take any pain killers. Overall, it is bearable, and controllable. Make sure you have someone with you that will make you feel comfortable and support you, relax, take deep breaths and use the pain killers given to you! You can get through it! And remember it doesn’t last long, the worst part will only last a few hours and isn’t constant! Read More Read Less

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A | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 1.0
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I took this medication to end a 6.5 week pregnancy. I took the 4 dissolvable pills and for the first 6 hours the bleeding was very heavy and I passed a lot of tissue, nothing distinguishable. It’s been 4 weeks and honestly this experience has been the worst of my life. The initial day that I took the pill isn’t even the problem. For some reason they did not work for me and I’ve spent close to $300 on period products. I ended up in the ER for such heavy bleeding around 3.5 weeks after. Every 10 minutes I was in the bathroom, still passing hand size clots. They ended up determining the pills didn’t work and I was given a second dose to try and pass the remaining tissue. I went home, took the pills and they did absolutely nothing the second time around other than make my gums bleed uncontrollably. Took the initial dose on 10/29, and now I have to go in for an aspiration abortion anyways on 11/28 because it didn’t work. It’s been a month of constant bleeding, cramping, passing tissue. I haven’t slept through the night because I’m constantly up and using the washroom. I can barely work, I can’t go to appointments, always have to be near a toilet. I did everything 100% as instructed. My mental health is in the trash and if you can save yourself the hassle, just get the surgical abortion. If I had done that I would’ve been over this already instead of still dealing with it. My quality of life is garbage. Hopefully once they clean out the remaining tissue I stop bleeding soon because I seriously cannot handle it for much longer. Read More Read Less

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Colorado | 19-24 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 4.0
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I was 5.5 weeks pregnancy and took this medication as my first time. I have my first pill around 12:30 pm. It doesn't have any affect for most people, but I felt a little uncomfortable for about 30 mins after the medicine dissolved. Before getting the second pill, I took nausea medicine and pain killers. At 12:30 pm the next day, I put the second medication orally. As soon as it was in my mouth, the pain started slowly. After 30 mins, I threw up and got a really bad cramp in my life 11/10, which my period has started. I laid on bed, my feet kept rubbing against the wall, I was screaming in pain... and couldn't stop for a second in about an hours and a half. Every minutes felt like hours. I was so lucky that my bf was there for me; he was holding me, rubbing my lower stomach and didn't leave me a second until I was too tired and passed out. I woke up at 2:30 and the pain now is like a normal period. I went to bathroom and some clots coming out. The amount of blood is normal, not crazy like what i have read. Then, the rest of my 6 hours went good. If you have to go through this, buy a heat pad, maxi pad, be prepared and make sure someone is with you because it will be tough if you go through this alone. My second day went lightly for me, still have some stuff coming out, but easy and chill. I feel so alive now. And to all the lady out there, I will pray for you and your pain! Sorry for we have been through but wish you all the best!Read More Read Less

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Ally |
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 1.0
Ease of Use

Previously i posted about my experience on the day of. It’s now 3.5 weeks later and the bleeding is still extremely heavy to the point I had to go to the ER. They said the pill didn’t work and I miscarried the rest. They gave me another dose of the pills but I’ve decided not to take them, I don’t want to start this process all over again. I took the pill on October 28 and I’m still bleeding to the point where I have to change my pad every 30 minutes. Not worth it, would never go this route again. It’s been extremely painful and has affected my life a lot. I can’t do anything because I have to be by a toilet constantly Read More Read Less

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Renee | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

3 weeks gestation. I took the first pill in office. I was so scared to take the second dose (4 dissolvable tablets) 24 hours later, as many women shared that the pain they had was unbearable. When I tell you I had close to no pain I mean it. It was like a regular period, I didn’t start bleeding until about 2 hours in and the bleeding was the heaviest at around hour 6. I wore overnight period panties and slept throughout most of it. When I went to the toilet everything came out. (Uterus lining). No pain, nothing odd to see just blood. I didn’t even have upset stomach, no diarrhea, no fever, no aches, no nausea. Nothing. Now today 24 hours later I’m no longer bleeding and feel normal. I thought I’d share my positive experience because of how much anxiety I had hearing how painful it was for some women. I took anti nausea medication and 800mg ibuprofen 30 minutes before the second dose, lit a candle, threw on a movie that helped calm me, and had a light snack. Everything was a breeze. (Coming from someone with an extremely low pain tolerance). Wishing you all the best! Read More Read Less

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Katinka | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Abortion
Overall rating 5.0
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I have two children, knew I didn’t want and couldn’t afford another so my husband and I jointly decided to take the medical abortion route. I only experienced the first few hours of labour with one of my children as both c-sections and I remember that being painful and intense but not impossible. So I had measured this experience up as potentially similar. It wasn’t too similar really but equally not 1000 miles removed. I took the first pill and carried on my day as planned. The next morning I waited until the children were at school. I must have gone backwards and forwards so many times about whether it was the right decision and how do many people would die to be in my predicament and I really stressed myself out and got quite emotional. Pregnancy hormones didn’t help! But I inserted the four misoprostol tablets vaginally and the weight off my shoulders at that point was a huge relief. I settled in bed, did a bit of work and experienced mild cramping that were fine. I should say, I was told to take 2-3 200mg i uprisen and 2 x paracetamol do I did. I had codeine in my kit from Marie Stopes if I needed it, though didn’t end up using it. After about an hour and a half, they quickly ramped up to being intense and having to take deep breaths but again not horrendous. Very manageable and that lasted maybe a couple of hours but not constantly but in waves every 20 minutes or so so I knew I needed to sit in the loo. By 5 hours since taking tablets, everything had passed and cramping pretty much stopped. The next couple of days, however, I would be fine in the morning but by afternoon, I found it really uncomfortable to be sat upright do needed to lie down. I think the discomfort is cramping which is like a really bad period and I have taken a couple of ibuprofen when it gets to that stage for a break. Bleeding increases when it gets more cramps but I’m sure it’s my body telling me I’m doing too much and. We’d to take it s bit easy. I’m still getting cramps 3 days in but not enough to stop my day, but I do need to lie out rather than stay sat up several times a day to ease the discomfort. I really hope my experience can help others. It is nice not feeling nauseous any more but make sure you have a partner of friends d there to get you drinks and good as being near a loo was imperative for me. Good luck. It’s not too bad, I promise you. Read More Read Less

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