Teens With ADHD: Tips for Transforming Negative Thoughts
Why You Focus on the Negative
Where Do Negative Thoughts Start?
Take a Few Deep Breaths
Give Yourself Credit
Build Your Skill Set
Turn to Your Support System
Practice Positive Affirmations
Talk to a Therapist
Learn What Motivates You
Know When to Ask for Help
Show Sources
- Malandrino / Getty Images
- SolStock / Getty Images
- FatCamera / Getty Images
- photovideostock / Getty Images
- Ban Pipe Photography / Getty Images
- Maskot / Getty Images
- Artem Varnitsin / EyeEm / Getty Images
- SDI Productions / Getty Images
- Narisari Nami / Getty Images
- MoMo Productions / Getty Images
American Psychological Association: "Persistent ADHD Associated With Overly Critical Parents."
Annual Review of Psychology: "The psychology of change: Self-affirmation and social psychological intervention."
Behavior Therapy: "Childhood ADHD and Negative Self-Statements: Important Differences Associated with Subtype and Anxiety Symptoms."
CDC: "Other Concerns and Conditions With ADHD."
CHADD: "Emotion Regulation in Teens with ADHD," "It's Okay to Put Yourself First Sometimes: Developing Self-Care."
Child Mind Institute: "ADHD and Behavior Problems," "How to Help Girls With ADHD."
Journal of Attention Disorders: "Mindfulness meditation training in adults and adolescents with ADHD: a feasibility study."
Mindful: "Getting Started With Mindfulness."
TeensHealth: "ADHD: Tips to Try."
Molecular Psychiatry: “Motivation Deficit in ADHD is Associated with Dysfunction of the Dopamine Reward Pathway.”