Patient Blogs | Allergies
Food Allergies With Multiple Children
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Baby number three! How exciting is that? We were overjoyed to find out that we were having a son after having two beautiful daughters, but I would be lying to you if I said I didn’t immediately wonder if he was going to have food allergies. In fact, it is the number-one question people ask me. He is currently 4 months old, which is the same age as my oldest daughter when she was tested for the top eight food allergies (now the top nine). She was only drinking breastmilk, but her eczema was so bad that both the pediatrician and dermatologist recommended that we take her to an allergist. Little did we know that she was going to be allergic to six of the eight allergens being tested. 

It was tough finding out that my daughter had food allergies, but my husband and I immediately immersed ourselves in the education on how to best care for her. We got this, so we thought. Only to find out that our second daughter was going to have a few different allergies from our first daughter. Our second daughter was allergic to shellfish, fish, and strawberries, although my oldest daughter wasn’t, but my second daughter was not allergic to wheat and soy like my oldest daughter. It was a lot to take in and manage those first couple of years. Fortunately, they have both outgrown some of those allergies.

The girls are now 6 and 8 years old, and they finally ate their first piece of cake at a birthday party last month. We were elated and nervous at the same time. I still have to cook multiple meals for our family because of their current food allergies, but not as many separate meals as before. My husband and I are finally able to breathe a little easier. Right when we are beginning to feel less pressure, we notice eczema on our 4-month-old son. 

He is only drinking breastmilk and has not begun eating food yet. Is he going to have food allergies? If so, which allergens will he be allergic to and how severe? While we don’t know if our son will have food allergies, as parents, we will do whatever it takes to ensure his safety and well-being. In due time, we will know more. Of course, I will keep you updated.

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Photo Credit: CandyRetriever / Getty Images

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