Food Dos and Don’ts to Tame Inflammation
1. Keep It Simple
2. DON’T Avoid Nightshade Vegetables
3. DO Get Spicy
4. DO Look Beyond Refined Starches
5. DON’T Overlook Sugar
6. DO Go Lean
7. DON’T Shy Away From Fatty Fish
8. DON’T Pass Up Cocoa
9. DO Love Your Lentils
10. DON’T Go Overboard With Olive Oil
11. DO Try Mushrooms
Show Sources
1) monticelllo / Getty Images
2) Westend61 / Getty Images
3) bit245 / Getty Images
4) martince2 / Getty Images
5) Jack Andersen / Getty Images
6) enzodebernardo / Getty Images
7) Shaiith / Getty Images
8) bhofack2 / Getty Images
9) tycoon751 / Thinkstock
10) Image Source / Getty Images
11) Getty Images
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