Expert Defines: Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment (Part 2)

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Gold treatment for psoriatic arthritis is to slow down inflammation and prevent joint damage. In addition to that, we're trying to prevent these spurs from happening and fusing of joints. So we want to slow down inflammation, so you can preserve joint function and motion throughout lifetime.

Treatments for psoriatic arthritis by nature, the NSAIDs are first line, second line and maybe third line medications, because they actually have some disease modifying properties in psoriatic patients. So after that, we do tend to use some of the disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs we call DMARDs. And then there is, of course, the new class of medications, like the TNFs, or what we call the biologics, that might block some of the other cell signals.

So I think it's really important that patients and their provider to have a good relationship. These are long term conditions, so lifelong conditions, and the medications and lifestyle modifications are something that you can keep tweaking throughout life, and get people to have a good, healthy, active lifestyle.