Hidden Asthma Triggers

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The common triggers of asthma make a lot of headlines-- dust, pets, and the environment-- but there are a few hidden triggers that deserve some attention, as well. Asthma triggers vary from person to person, but knowing what to look out for, could spare you an attack.

The cold weather is easier on allergies, but there are a few culprits that come with that time of year. Camp fires and fireplaces can set off an asthma attack. The smoke from burning wood can be harmful, and filled with tiny particles that can be inhaled.

These critters can be harmful in your home and to your asthma. Their saliva, eggs, feces, and shedding body parts can be stirred up in the air, acting like dust mites and triggering an attack.

In order to get rid of those pests, we rely on pesticides, which ironically, can be an asthma trigger, as well. Pesticides may contain chemical irritants that can damage the inner coating of the bronchus, which will make the airway very sensitive to stimuli. This is rare, and there are many non-chemical-based products available.

One study suggests that the chemicals in air fresheners are a leading cause to respiratory issues. The high concentration of VOC in the products can not only trigger asthma, but be toxic in some findings.

Strong emotions, such as laughing too hard or crying, can change breathing patterns and actually trigger an attack.

Keep track of what provokes an attack. Or depending on your level of sensitivity, you might have a delayed reaction so journaling may help you pinpoint your triggers.