Kathleen Doheny, Author at WebMD

Kathleen Doheny, Author at WebMD

Kathleen Doheny is a Los Angeles-based journalist specializing in health, fitness, and behavior topics. In addition to writing for WebMD, she contributes regularly to other websites and to national magazines. Credits include the Los Angeles Times, Shape, Natural Health, Westways, Weight Watchers Magazine, Prevention magazine, Consumers Digest, cancerandcareers.org,andwebvet.com.

Previously, she wrote a travel health column ("The Healthy Traveler"), a personal health column ("Your Body") and an automotive safety and health column ("Good Carma"), all for the Los Angeles Times. For seven years she taught magazine and feature writing at UCLA Extension, Los Angeles.

Among her writing awards is the Public Education Award For Excellence in Plastic Surgery Journalism from the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons and the American Podiatric Medical Association Shapiro Journalism Award. She contributed to a series of WebMD autism articles that won the team the Society of Professional Journalists' 2008 Sigma Delta Chi Award for Excellence in Journalism.

WebMD Biography
Recent WebMD content from Kathleen Doheny, Author at WebMD covering fitness and behavior
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