Nick Tate

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Nick Tate, contributing writer and editor for WebMD, is a bestselling author and award-winning journalist specializing in health care, medicine, science, and biotechnology.

Before working with WebMD, where he helps direct coverage of long COVID, he was the Health Editor for Newsmax Media, Consumer Health Editor with the South Florida Sun Sentinel, and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Science & Medicine Editor. Tate has also written for The Miami Herald, the Boston Herald, Thompson Reuters, and Banyan Hill Publishing..

His top-selling book, the “ObamaCare Survival Guide,” was on the Publishers Weekly and The New York Times bestsellers lists for 22 weeks, reaching No. 1 on The Times list for paperback advice books.

Tate also authored theEncyclopedia of Natural Healing,” “DaVinci’s Baby Boomer Survival Guide” (with Barbara Rockefeller), and “The Sick Building Syndrome,” following a yearlong journalism fellowship at the Harvard School of Public Health.

In addition to medical writing, Tate taught health and science journalism as an adjunct professor at Emory University in 2001-2002.

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